Home » Russians in Kherson plan to place their military in abandoned apartments – intelligence

Russians in Kherson plan to place their military in abandoned apartments – intelligence

by alex

Russians in Kherson want to place their military in abandoned apartments of Ukrainians/Photo from the GUR telegram

Russian invaders commit terror in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Another fact became known in Kherson.

Ukrainian intelligence officers received information that Russian infidels in the Ukrainian regional center are looking for lists of abandoned apartments. They want to illegally settle their military there.

They terrorize the heads of condominiums

In the temporarily occupied city, the Russians do their best to establish “Russian order”. Thus, they seek it to give support to their occupation regime.

Ukrainian intelligence officers learned that lists of empty apartments are required from the chairmen of condominiums of the Tavriysky and Zhilishche microdistricts. The invaders have big plans for them – they want to deploy their military and intelligence officers.

The number of roadblocks and mobile patrols is also growing.

How the enemy deceives people of Kherson

They try to demoralize people in the city and tell them fictitious and false information so that they cooperate out of hopelessness.

People argue that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not be able to advance in the direction of Kherson. They show them everything in such a way that supposedly there is only one way out – to accept this reality and work under the leadership of the fake “new government”.

The scouts also learned that the leader of the Donetsk militants, Denis Pushilin, recently arrived in Kherson. There is an assumption that he came to organize anti-Ukrainian provocations before May 9th. It is also likely that he has a task – to resolve the issue of the so-called “change of status” of Kherson.

The situation in occupied Kherson

  • Kherson residents continue to resist the Russian occupiers and go to pro-Ukrainian peaceful rallies. At the same time, the Russians are trying their best to suppress it. On May 9, they staged a so-called “victory madness” in the city with tricolors and Soviet flags. They managed to gather a few people for the rally.
  • Also, in the occupied region, they commit terror against the local population. The Russian military travel around industrial facilities to force management and personnel to cooperate. They also ruthlessly plunder the region, take out grain. Entrepreneurs are forced by the invaders to register according to Russian laws.
  • Adviser to the head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podolyak stated that the Ukrainian military would definitely liberate the Kherson region from Russian invaders. It will not be possible to create any so-called “XNR” there. The area will be completely liberated and cleaned as harshly as possible, as Podolyak said.

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