Home » Russians hide the deaths of thousands mobilized in Donbas: relatives are ready to start a riot

Russians hide the deaths of thousands mobilized in Donbas: relatives are ready to start a riot

by alex

Most of those mobilized in the occupied territories have already died, but relatives do not know about it/”Companion”

Even despite the insane shelling of Donetsk and attempts to suppress any protest moods, the wives of men mobilized by Russia continue to rebel in the quasi-republics. Against the backdrop of real failures of the Russian army at the front, such a social situation threatens the occupation authorities.

According to Channel 24 sources in intelligence, the Russian occupiers are very afraid of any manifestations of disobedience on the part of the population of the so-called “DNR” and “LNR”, because now they are not at all in a showdown with civilians. The invaders have already understood how to contain the social explosion in Donetsk – insane shelling of the city.

However, in order to implement this tactic in all cities of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Russian handlers will have to divert too many howitzers and MLRS from the front line to the rear , which will lead to failures of the Russians at the front.

The mobilized are dying like flies, but they don’t tell their relatives about it

  • Despite the pressure from the “authorities”, the shelling of Donetsk and the continuous deterioration of the social situation in the “republics”, a considerable number of relatives of the mobilized are still concerned about their fate.
  • Wives and mothers of men whom Russia forcibly sent to the front line under skating rink of the defenders of Ukraine, daily “storming” military units, writing letters to Pushilin and Pasechnik, trying to find out at least something about the fate of their relatives.
  • June 13, the day of the most massive shelling of Donetsk, several dozen mobilized relatives recorded a video in which they were indignant at the attitude of the “authorities” to the “military”.
  • Relatives of the mobilized said that for four months they had not been told anything about the fate of the men who were sent to war without a medical commission or any preparation.

In their appeal, residents of ORDO said that out of a whole 121 regiments of the so-called “DPR” during the entire war, only one company returned to its place of deployment in Kalmiusskoye (formerly Komsomolskoye). Those mobilized from the 2nd battalion of this bandit formation were allegedly supposed to be transferred to the rear “for rotation”, but they never did.

According to intelligence data, almost 200 men from this unit died at the beginning of the war, but the leaders of the occupied part of the Donetsk region hid this information from their relatives. The military commissars, commanders and representatives of the “administration” of the quasi-republic said that everything was in order with their relatives, promised that they would receive a salary and be able to return home “after the victory”.

In fact, no one will ever receive any payments. Yes, and there is no one to give money to. Unless compensation for the dead relatives, but without the body, no one will receive a penny.

The bodies of those mobilized from the 121st regiment are still decomposing in the fields of Ukraine. Nobody wants to collect their remains, because then the wives, parents and children will find out that they have been deceived all this time. And this can lead to a social explosion, which Russians do not want so much.

Thousands of inhabitants ORDO died for nothing

While tens of thousands of women in the Donbass do not know what happened to their men, the Russian military among themselves admit that there is no question of any “liberation” of the entire Donetsk region. The invaders say that all the forces of the “second army of the world” are being crushed by attempts to capture Severodonetsk. Even if they manage to completely take control of the city, the Russians, local militants and mobilized army will choke on the assault on Lisichansk. And while Russia has been unable to reach the borders of the Luhansk region for more than a month, the generals put the issue of capturing Donbass on a conditional pause. All attempts to break through the defenses of Ukraine in the directions of Kurakhovo, Avdiivka, Bakhmut, Konstantinovka and other cities suffered an incredible failure.

Therefore, as internal documents of the occupiers testify, it may take years for the Russian army to capture the Donetsk region. Staff officers make such a positive forecast without taking into account the deployment of the reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the receipt by Ukraine of the latest weapons.

So, thousands of ideological militants and mobilized forced to fight died for nothing at all. For the entire vaunted Russian army cannot even fulfill the tasks that Putin set before it. And the ideas of “liberation of Donbass” did not at all coincide with the desire of the inhabitants of ORDLO. Because not a single citizen of Donetsk or Lugansk really needed Russia to capture other cities, and even more so – completely destroy them. After all, almost all residents of the quasi-republic rode to the free territory to receive pensions, withdraw cash, and even buy food there.

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