Home » Russians complain about damage to the Cable “Rostelecom” in the Baltic Sea

Russians complain about damage to the Cable “Rostelecom” in the Baltic Sea

by alex

Russians complain about damage to the Rostelecom cable in the Baltic Sea Victoria Kulzhenko < Source _ngContent-SC167 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Image/Webp "SrCset" SRCSETH "SRCSETH" = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2748614.jpg?v=1739037206000&AMP ;W=768&AMP ;H=432&AMP ;432&AMP ;fit=CoVER&AMP ;AMP ;Uutput= webp&q=70">< Source _ngContent-SC167 =" "Type =" Image/Webp "srcset =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/2748614.jpg~6..6..6..6~6~6~6~6..6 1739037206000 & amp; w = 1200 & amp; h = 675 & amp; fit = coceur & amp; output = webp & q = 70 "~ ~< im167 =" "Class =" Main- news-photo" src="https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2748614.jpg?v=1739037206000" alt="3 Россияне жалуются, что кабель "Ростелекома" Damaged in the Baltic Sea due to & quot; external - 24 channel "Title =" 3 Russians complain that the cable & quot; Rostelecom & quot; Damaged in the Baltic Sea due to & quot; external-24 channel ">< p _ngcontent-sc170 =" "appinViewport =" "class =" News-enonotation "> ~ state _ngContent-sc170 = “> recently in the Baltic Sea were damaged cables. Russian communication cables connecting St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad is written about this Channel 24 with reference to the coastal protection of Finland. ~ 60 > < h2 class = "News-Subtitle Cke-Markup" > Work < h2 > 60 > in the Gulf of Finland damaged the Rostelecom underwater cable. In December 2024, underwater cables connecting Finland and Estonia were damaged in the same place. On February 8, although the Russian side informed Finnish on the failure of the equipment on December 27.

~ 60 > earlier in Norway detained the Silver Dania ship with a Russian crew, a suspect in involvement in damage to damage The fiber -optic cable between Latvia and Sweden. The detention took place at the request of the Latvian authorities, and the shipping company from Bergen denies any guilt.

~ 60 > subsequently released the ship.

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