Home » Russians can no longer supply weapons to Kherson by road, – Khlan

Russians can no longer supply weapons to Kherson by road, – Khlan

by alex

Russians have problems in the Kherson region/Collage of Channel 24

< strong _ngcontent-sc85="">After the APU hit the Kakhovka bridge in Kherson region, it became unusable. Now the Russians have completely disrupted car logistics.


Because it was the last transport artery for infidels. Serhiy Khlan, a military Troop and a deputy of the Kherson Regional Council, spoke about this on channel 24.

According to him, the bridge was also previously damaged, but the Russians managed to patch it up a bit. However, the aggressor was unable to restore the railroad along the Kakhovskaya HPP dam.

Therefore, the Kakhovskaya HPP dam served as the only such crossing point. Now it is impossible to travel there. In fact, today the occupiers cannot supply weapons by roads,” Khlan said.

The only thing left for them is the ferries that they launched at the Antonovsky Bridge. However, they do not supply the enemy army with weapons in the required quantity.

These are not at all the figures that the occupiers need, because our Armed Forces, thanks to aviation, are daily working out Russian military depots in front-line concentrations.

Accurate strikes by the Ukrainian army

At the same time, how added Khlan, today the Armed Forces of Ukraine struck a blow in Lyubimovka, where the administration of the Kakhovka main canal and the canal itself were located. They destroyed the location of the Russians and their equipment, but the infrastructure itself was not damaged . So, the work was brilliant.

Attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the bridges, the Russians are in a panic

  • On the night of August 8, the Armed Forces attacked the Antonovsky and Kakhovka bridges in the Kherson region.
  • The Ukrainian defenders did not limit themselves to bridges. The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed several Russian bases with ammunition.
  • The Russians postponed the opening date of the Antonovsky Bridge after the Ukrainian defenders hit it.
  • The families of the Russian military began to be taken out of the occupied Kherson after another strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the bridges.

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