Home » Russians are terrorists, like the Taliban, and Ukrainians saved me in battle: an exclusive blog of a warrior from the USA

Russians are terrorists, like the Taliban, and Ukrainians saved me in battle: an exclusive blog of a warrior from the USA

by alex

Publication author

Legions of the Free World

Michael is a fighter of the International Legion of Defense of Ukraine. The American could not stand aside when the Russians came to kill the Ukrainians. An experienced US Army soldier voluntarily came to Ukraine to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Read about the war, wounds and motivations in the exclusive blog for the Channel 24 website in direct speech.

The desire to help Ukrainians is stronger than fear

Back in the States, I was trying to get a real estate license and start my own property management business. However, everything changed when I saw footage of rocket attacks on Ukraine on TV.

I saw how young guys who had not served before and did not know how to fight were given weapons, and they went to war. I had the thought: “I am a professional, I have experience in combat operations and I can help.” But at that moment, the President of Ukraine had not yet opened the door for foreign legionnaires. So I prayed and said to myself, “God, if there's a way I can help, I'll do it.”

Michael was awarded awards in the US Army / Photo provided by the fighter

A few days later, Vladimir Zelensky said that all foreign fighters and professionals can participate in the defense of Ukraine. I decided to go because I was in Iraq, Afghanistan, I was ready for this.

My family was not happy with my decision. They said I was crazy. Like, one person will not change anything in the war. And I answered: “If everyone thinks so, then no one will come to the rescue.” I was a little worried, but the desire to help Ukrainians was stronger than fear.

My first battle took place back in 2012 in Afghanistan. However, if we compare the firepower, then the Russians have it much more than the Taliban. At the same time, the Russians are the same terrorists. When they lose and retreat, they destroy everything in their path and kill civilians. Their military tactics are undignified, unmilitary.

Hell of the last fight

My last fight was at night. We had to go into the village occupied by Russians, get into the house, collect intelligence and destroy small groups of the enemy. Ukrainian troops were supposed to enter this village in the morning. However, as soon as we got there and got out of the vehicle, the enemy knew that we were there. We probably showed up. Then the real hell began.

It was like an episode from World War II. There was a very dense artillery fire, the shells fell very close. They also fired at us from machine guns. At some point, we thought we were all going to die. We lay down on the ground and tried to take cover. But as a mortar man, I knew that when they fired another well-aimed salvo, we were finished.

It was cold. Even because of the cold, I felt how the ground was heating up from the artillery explosions. It got hot. I then thought, if I was destined to die, I would rather die trying to save someone. Then I crawled up to my comrade and covered him with my body. I remember praying to God and saying, “God, I don't want to die today. But make sure that if I die today, this person will live.”

Then there was a certain pause in the fire of the enemy. We know that when there is such a pause, it means that the enemy is adjusting his fire and aiming better. Then my commander shouted: “Get up! Let's move!”

Warrior with the Russian occupier / Photo by Michael

Ukrainians covered a wounded foreign soldier

We moved towards the building and reached an intersection. I remember looking to the right. I saw how a mine flew into a house 50 meters from us. This house is on fire. Then there was another explosion. In less than a second, I felt a blow, as if someone had hit me in the side. I wasn't knocked down, but I staggered. I took a deep breath and started screaming: “I'm hurt, hurt!”.

Then I fell to the ground. The commander ordered everyone to hide in a shelter, but two brave guys said that they would not leave me and stay with me. Although in general it was just crazy, because first of all you have to provide a fire advantage in battle, and only then take care of the wounded. But these guys pressed on my wound from two sides, and when grenades and mines landed nearby, they covered me from both sides.

Subsequently, the commander joined them and helped treat my wounds. To be honest, the pain was so intense that I just wanted to ask a friend to shoot me. But I'm a Christian, so I thought, “Don't do this, you can't do this. You know where you're going to go if you do this.”

A few hours later, I was taken to the hospital. After 36 hours, the surgeons took care of me and performed the operation. I can only say that Ukrainian surgeons are very professional. They saved my life.

Professionals fight in the International Legion

Now I feel great and I am glad that I will be able to walk and run when I fully recover. I do not regret at all that I came to Ukraine. I think about the brave Ukrainian guys who saved me in that battle.

In the future, I plan to train fighters. I like the fact that the guys in the International Legion are very professional. This gives confidence in battle, because you know that you will be covered. By the way, the commander of my unit is Ukrainian. He is a good commander who has an excellent understanding of tactics.

In general, I really love Ukraine and Ukrainians. Most of all I like their spirit: do not back down and do not break. The enemy is huge, but the Ukrainians do not give up. I am delighted with this.

He spoke to the warrior: Vladimir Patola.

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