Home » Russians are increasingly leaving the army because of their unwillingness to fight in Ukraine – General Staff

Russians are increasingly leaving the army because of their unwillingness to fight in Ukraine – General Staff

by alex

Russians massively refuse to fight against Ukraine/Channel 24 collage

113 days of Ukraine's heroic confrontation with Russian invaders are underway. As a result of the determined resistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, cases of mass dismissals of personnel from the Russian army have become more frequent.

The occupiers are terminating their military contracts because they do not want to participate in hostilities on the territory of our state. This was reported in the evening summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 18:00 June 16.

Russians are leaving the army en masse

Armed Forces of Ukraine, significant losses of the occupying forces destroy the plans of the military leadership of the enemy for a rapid advance deep into the Ukrainian territories.

Cases of the release of a large number of personnel (Russian military – ed. Channel 24) have become more frequent due to refusal to participate in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the General Staff reported.

It is noted that such mass dismissals of Russian military personnel < strong>make it impossible for the enemy to try in a short time to strengthen and replace those of their groups that have lost their combat capability.

continue successfully to reduce the number of Russian invaders who set foot on our land .

Let us recall that earlier the General Staff reported that on June 16 the personnel of the 1st separate motorized rifle brigade of the enemy refused to go on the offensive against Nikolaevka. In addition, a day earlier, in the direction of Popasna – Lisichansk up to 200 infidels fled from the front line – deserters are now wanted in all surrounding settlements.

Unprecedented enemy losses as of June 16

The mass layoffs of Russian servicemen and the unwillingness to fight in Ukraine have a logical reason – they don't want to die thoughtlessly in a foreign land. Indeed, as of June 16, our brave defenders and defenders during the large-scale invasion of Russia have already managed to destroy:

  • personnel – 32 950 Russian invaders;
  • < li> enemy tanks – 1,449 units;

  • enemy artillery systems – 729 units;
  • armored combat vehicles – 3,545 units;
  • multiple launch rocket systems – 233 units;
  • Russian air defense systems – 97 units;
  • aircraft – 213 units;
  • helicopters – 179 units;
  • unmanned aerial vehicles operational-tactical devices – 591 units;
  • cruise missiles – 129 units;
  • ships and boats – 13 units;
  • automotive systems and fuel tanks – 2494 units;
  • special equipment – 55 units.

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