Home » Russian “Surfs” predicted the sinking

Russian “Surfs” predicted the sinking

by alex

Two amphibious assault ship (UDC) of the project 23900 (“Surf”) at a cost of 100 billion rubles more in line with the goals of the Navy (Navy) Russia than the French Mistral, however, did not need him. This is stated in the article “Military-industrial courier”, written with the participation of the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of rocket and artillery Sciences on information policy, doctor of military Sciences Konstantin Sivkova.

The publication notes that, most likely, UDC “will be expensive but useless toys”. “This is absolutely not the country needs a helicopter. Far better would be to turn them into light aircraft carriers,” — say the authors.

The reviewers believe that the use of the helicopter necessary to support fighter aircraft, which can only provide the carriers, and they predict the sinking in the event of a serious military campaign. “The conduct of any amphibious operation as a key condition involves the conquest of the sea and in the air in the landing area and on the route of the airborne troops, and long enough. Otherwise the troops drown in the crossing the sea and destroyed in the landing area before the Marines get on the Bank,” note the authors.

The publication said that currently the Russian Navy “is able to capture such domination only in seas and oceans adjacent to our borders. More precisely — in the coastal range fighter aircraft, on removal from coast to 300-400 km. Carriers, the country has no lack of powerful surface ships”.

There it is alleged that the probable cause of construction UDC project 23900 is the need to load the Kerch shipyard “Zaliv”, which in Soviet times built the biggest ship in the country — the tanker “World” (“Crimea”) with a displacement of 150 thousand tons. “To avoid disgrace of bankruptcy Crimean shipbuilding, it is necessary to spend public money to build a useless giants”, the authors write.

20 July in Russia started the construction of six ships. So, in Severodvinsk was laid nuclear submarine “Voronezh” and “Vladivostok” project 885M “Ash-M”, in Kerch — amphibious assault ships (helicopter carriers) “Ivan Rogov” and “Mitrofan Moskalenko” project 23900 “Surf”, in Saint-Petersburg — the frigate “Admiral Yumashev” and “Admiral Spiridonov” modernized project 22350.

In April, TASS reported, citing a source in the military-industrial complex, reported that in the Crimea the Zaliv shipyard will build two UDC for about 100 billion rubles.

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