Migrants smashed the head of a Russian State Duma deputy Irina Martsiyash In Samara, migrants smashed the head of a State Duma deputy Russia/Collage 24 Channel (Screenshot from video) In Samara, migrants from Central Asia smashed the head of a Russian State Duma deputy. We are talking about the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Mikhail Matveev. He spoke about this in his Telegram channel. The man also distributed a video of the incident and talked about further events. Matveev said that when he was driving around the city in his car, he saw migrants armed with sticks and stones clinging to passers-by, and decided to intervene. He noted that there were three emigrants. The published footage shows how a Communist Party deputy gets out of the car and almost immediately gets hit in the head. A group of migrants, three people, walked from the embankment, bullied passers-by… They stopped with the driver, got out to stop them… He took out his ID and said: “Stop “. I immediately received a blow to the head. They cut it, it looks like everything is there for me. We are sitting here… In the best Russian traditions, we have been waiting for 40 minutes for the police and an ambulance. There’s no one,” said Matveev.A Russian State Duma deputy's head was smashed in Samara
Russian State Duma deputy's head was smashed by migrants