Home » Russian spy tried to get an internship at the Hague court: unfortunate intelligence officer was exposed

Russian spy tried to get an internship at the Hague court: unfortunate intelligence officer was exposed

by alex

Russian spy tried to get an internship at the Hague court/Channel 24 collage

A Russian spy tried to get an internship at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which, in particular, investigates Russian war crimes in Ukraine. However, the unfortunate scout was exposed.

A Russian intelligence official was prevented from accessing the International Criminal Court (ICC) by the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service (AVID). It is noted that the Russian tried to leave Brazil for the Netherlands for an internship in The Hague under a fake name. h2>

The AVID report states that the mentioned Russian spy works for the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate. He was recognized as a threat to the national security of the Netherlands, so he was immediately denied entry into the country in April and sent back to Brazil.

It is noted that the Russian intelligence officer introduced himself as a citizen of Brazil under the name Victor Müller Ferreira , according to forged documents – April 4, 1989. However, AVID established that the unfortunate intelligence officer's name is actually Cherkasov Sergey Vladimirovich, and his real date of birth is September 11, 1985.

For an internship in the Hague court, a Russian spy used well thought out cover trying to hide all their ties to Russia in general and to Russian military intelligence in particular.

The ISS is investigating possible war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine, as well as during war in Georgia in 2008. For these reasons, secret access to ISS information would be very valuable to Russian intelligence agencies. The “illegal” was supposed to start an internship at the ISS, which would mean his access to the building and the system itself, the message noted.

Help.“Illegal” is a term for a foreign intelligence agent who has undergone lengthy and detailed training. Thanks to fictitious personalities, such spies often gain access to information that is not available to the rest of their real fellow citizens.

By the way, AVID added that if Cherkasov managed to get an internship at the Hague court, he could collect intelligence data for Russia there and seek or recruit internal sources, as well as gain access to the digital systems of the ISS. It is quite possible that he also got the opportunity to influence the course of criminal proceedingsof the International Criminal Court.

Ukrayinska Pravda sources familiar with the AVID investigation reported that Cherkasov’s attempt to get a job the internship at the ISS took months. It was planned that he would begin his activities in the Hague court simultaneously with the start of a full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, however, the Russian intelligence leadership failed to “crank” this.

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