Home » Russian security officials are not enthusiastic about the war, there are many opponents of Putin's policy

Russian security officials are not enthusiastic about the war, there are many opponents of Putin's policy

by alex

Russian security officials are not enthusiastic about the war, there are many opponents of Putin's policy/Channel 24 collage

If Russia has a split in the elites, this will happen primarily among the security forces. Many of them are not happy with the war that Putin unleashed.

They are aware that it will not lead to anything good, but they do not dare to rebel. Opposition politician Dmitry Gudkov told Channel 24 about this.

Tenkov's example frightened everyone

The oppositionist recalled the experience of Tenkov's deer, one of the few wealthy Russians who strongly opposed the war.

< p>“I am convinced that he did it sincerely. A person who is not particularly connected with the Putin elite, despite his stupid statements to make Putin a monarch and so on. He built a business from scratch, had one of the best banks, is an idol of the youth,” – Gudkov said.

He left Russia, spoke out against the war, lost his business, while remaining under sanctions. “For many, this is a signal: nothing depends on your position, all the same, the West will shoot these sanctions at the squares,” the opposition politician noted.

We need to work with the security forces

In his opinion today it is important to focus on splitting the elites.

Imagine that several dozen people have been declared war criminals by decision of an international court and put on the wanted list. Others are not named or announced. Can you imagine what kind of paranoia will begin within the system, when everyone begins to suspect each other, everyone starts working against each other, everyone will “knock” on each other, Gudkov believes.

He stressed that sanctions are destroying the economy in the long term, but are not able to quickly change the government or push it to change its policy.

Where the split of the elites is already happening

Now there is a split between the security forces and Kadyrov, within the FSB and various departments. “For example, there has always been dislike for each other between the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee,” the opposition leader said.

Believe me, not all security forces support the war. At least 20% of law enforcement officers not only do not support Putin, but simply hate it,” Gudkov summed up.

There is a way to split the Russian elites – Gudkov: watch the video

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