Home » Russian sappers blew up a house with their soldiers and attributed it to the APU

Russian sappers blew up a house with their soldiers and attributed it to the APU

by alex

The Russian military eliminated their own comrades and decided to write it off in favor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The occupiers blew up their military during mine clearance.

This became known thanks to the conversation of the Russian military, which Ukrainian intelligence managed to intercept. The occupier reported how the Russians write off their own.

8 occupiers died

According to him, Russian sappers were clearing the way for a tank and accidentally blew up a house where 15 soldiers were. Immediately seven Russian soldiers were killed and another 8 were injured.

As a result of the death of the Russians, as the occupier says in an intercepted conversation, they attributed it to the fact that they were blown up by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Intercepted occupier's conversation: video

The occupier complains about the situation at the front

During the conversation, the Russian military spoke negatively about the commanders, whom he called “half-wits”. According to him, they sent the military to their deaths.

He complains that in the battle the promised cover with mortars, AGS and tanks did not happen. As a result, the occupiers were seriously injured.

He also complained that the evacuation, as usual, takes place far from them. At the same time, the occupier said sarcastically that the commanders would not be punished, but rather they would be given medals.

Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine

  • According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as of February 11 about 136,880 occupiers were liquidated in Ukraine. Moreover, the General Staff does not provide data on the wounded invaders.
  • Now Russia is suffering the greatest losses near Bakhmut and Vugledar. In these areas, Russian troops are trying to advance with large forces, but they suffer setbacks and then losses.
  • Lawrence Friedman, emeritus professor of military studies at King's College London, said that Russia has developed a tactic of using its soldiers as a cheap resource. This allows the invaders to identify the positions of the Ukrainian military. However, this tactic is not far-sighted.

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