Home » Russian propaganda books to be removed from Ukrainian libraries

Russian propaganda books to be removed from Ukrainian libraries

by alex

Russian propaganda books to be removed from Ukrainian libraries/Illustrative photo from social networks

Coming soon great cleansing of Ukrainian libraries. All books aimed at promoting the “Russian world” will be confiscated.

Ukraine continues to actively purge everything Russian and sever cultural ties with the occupiers. The queue has also reached Ukrainian libraries.

Cleaning libraries of Russian propaganda

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy reported that they are actively working on updating the book fund of Ukrainian libraries. In particular, all Russian literature aimed at propaganda will be removed from our libraries and replaced with Ukrainian literature. Libraries will also be filled with books from Ukrainian publishers.

As reported, the main goal of such measures is to promote the development of our book publishing, as well as to prevent poisoning, which Ukrainian citizens were harmed by Russian propaganda.

Propaganda is a dangerous weapon. Today, Russian lies are poisoning everything around. We must fight this phenomenon by all means. The Ministry has defined clear criteria according to which Russian literature will be withdrawn from Ukrainian library collections, said Larisa Petasyuk, Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

The method of extracting Russian propaganda literature from libraries was developed by leading librarians from all over Ukraine .

Russian Propaganda: Latest News

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