Home » Russian missiles outside Ukraine: all about the egregious incident on February 10

Russian missiles outside Ukraine: all about the egregious incident on February 10

by alex

On the morning of February 10, the Russian invaders again launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine. However, enemy missiles again violated the airspace of neighboring states – we are talking about Moldova and Romania.

However, in Bucharest they say that Russian missiles were not detected on their territory. Channel 24 understood this situation, so read on for everything that is known about this incident.

During the massive missile attack, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, published an official message stating that 2 Russian Caliber cruise missiles crossed the border of Ukraine and Moldova at about 10:18. Already at 10:33 these missiles violated the airspace of Romania, and then re-entered the airspace of Ukraine.

It should be noted that Romania is a member of NATO, therefore, Russian missiles in its airspace are considered a violation of the space of the Alliance, which is a flagrant violation.

This is not the first time Russia has struck Ukraine against neighboring states. In particular, several cases of Russian missiles violating Moldovan airspace and even falling rocket fragments are known. By the way, as a result of an investigation, the Ministry of Defense of the country found out that an S-300 missile fell on the Ukrainian-Moldovan border, probably from Ukrainian air defense. However, Chisinau's position is clear and consistent – the blame for the incident lies solely with Russia, because Ukraine would not have had to use air defense systems if not for its constant attacks.

Air Force spokesman Iurie Ignat noted that despite the fact that Russian missiles have already violated Moldovan airspace several times, the incident of February 10 is a serious precedent, because Calibers violated NATO airspace.

This is no longer a joke, the first such precedent. They flew into the territory of Moldova through the Odessa region. Radar observed two Caliber missiles. They crossed the airspace of Moldova with Romania, from there they returned to the territory of Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region,” Ignat noted.

The representative of the Air Force suggested that in this way Russia decided to check how the Alliance would react. In his opinion, the world should respond to such brazen actions of Russia. Do not forget that the infidels and in the Mediterranean Sea have ships-carriers of missiles “Caliber”. It is necessary to respond to such shameful acts from Russia.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky subsequently stated that the passage of missiles over Romania is a challenge to NATO and the collective security of the Alliance, so the world must respond to this terror.

Several Russian missiles passed through the airspace of Moldova and Romania. These missiles are a challenge to NATO, collective security. This is a terror that can and must be stopped. The world must stop, the President emphasized.

Almost immediately after Valery Zaluzhny's statement, the Moldovan Ministry of Defense confirmed the violation of its air force. True, in Chisinau they announced the passage of one missile through their territory.

“The responsible structures of the institution at 10:18 discovered a missile that crossed the airspace of the Republic of Moldova over the city of Mokraya in the Transnistrian region, and subsequently over the city of Kosauke in the Soroca region The missile was heading towards Ukraine,” the message says.

The type of missile has not been specified, but it is worth noting that this time it is definitely not the S-300 missile, because it does not have such a range to fly, conditionally, from the temporarily occupied Crimea through the Odessa region and Moldova up to the Chernivtsi region.

Subsequently, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moldova, Nicolae Popescu, urgently summoned the Russian ambassador. Chisinau condemned the violation of the airspace and stressed that Russian strikes on Ukraine harm the citizens of Moldova h2>

The Romanian Ministry of Defense denies reports of missiles flying over its territory. According to Bucharest, Russia launched missiles from the Black Sea that crossed the airspace of Ukraine and Moldova, but allegedly they were not on the territory of Romania. It should be noted that the Ministry of Defense of the country also speaks of one air target. . – said the Romanian Ministry of Defense.

NATO Secretary General Spokesperson Jensa Stoltenberga declined to comment on the situation, referring to information from Bucharest that allegedly no airspace violations were recorded.

However, the speaker of the Air Force forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yuriy Ignat noted that there is radar data that recorded the flight of missiles. Zara Ukraine establishes all the details of this incident. At the same time, our country demands a response from Romania and NATO.

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