Home » Russian military units cancel sending units to Ukraine: no one wants to fight

Russian military units cancel sending units to Ukraine: no one wants to fight

by alex

Against the background of the successful counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russians are afraid to go to fight in Ukraine. Therefore, some military units of the occupiers cancel the dispatch of entire units due to mass failures of personnel.

Ukrainian intelligence officers reported this. In particular, servicemen of the 5th separate tank brigade of the 36th army of the aggressor country are writing reports for dismissal due to their refusal to continue participating in hostilities in Ukraine.

They leave the service without taking into account any benefits. In turn, the personnel of the brigade, which is located in Ukraine, are provided with leave exclusively for family reasons, such as the death of close relatives.

The occupants lack fighters

The scouts participating in the war against Ukraine, there is a catastrophic shortage of personnel. To solve this problem, the command of the occupying forces decided to significantly reduce the time for the rehabilitation of the military after injuries and shell shock.

For the wounded in hospitals, diagnoses are purposefully simplified, previously planned operations are not carried out, and they are offered to return to the war in Ukraine. Doctors are “recommended” to give permission for planned surgical interventions only at the end of the war or with the direct permission of the commander of the wounded, the intelligence noted. hospital. The official diagnosis is otitis media. The fighter was advised not to catch a cold in his ear. At the same time, he was denied surgery.

The invaders are trying to strengthen their grouping under the temporarily occupied Kherson by means of “cash reserves”. For this, it is planned to redeploy 4 battalions of the so-called Kadyrovites. But now these units are significantly understaffed. Most of the personnel are not Chechens, but mercenaries from the poorest regions of Russia.

occupiers are preparing to flee in the Kherson region

Russian occupiers are so frightened by the successful counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are already preparing their own escape routes. We are talking about those invaders who are in the Kherson region. As the head of the Nikolaev OVA Vitaly Kim stated, the occupiers were completely frowning. This is manifested in the fact that as soon as someone can escape, they definitely do it – by hook or by crook.

He added that the Russian military is considering different options for escaping. In particular:

  • in civilian vehicles,
  • they take away bicycles, equipment and diesel fuel from civilians,
  • make a reserve for themselves in order to be able to escape .

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