Home » Russian military on the verge of riot due to the restriction of looting in the Kherson region

Russian military on the verge of riot due to the restriction of looting in the Kherson region

by alex

/Photo from social networks

Heads of units that Putin deployed to the war in Ukraine received orders from their military-political command to keep Kherson at all costs. However, at the same time, they were unofficially told to prepare for an early exit from the city.

According to Channel 24 sources in intelligence, the personnel of the Russian invader troops, located in Kherson and near the temporarily captured city, are extremely dissatisfied with the situation at the front. The Russians understand that they will not be able to complete the task of advancing to Nikolaev, just as they will not be able to go to Odessa. Without this task, the retention of Kherson may be in big question.

The Kremlin believes that Kherson and at least part of the region should remain under their control so that the Russian Federation has access to a land corridor to Crimea. But if the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are able to move beyond the Dnieper, the invaders will find themselves in an extremely uncomfortable position. In addition, for a number of reasons, the Russians cannot make their positions out of reach of Ukrainian artillery.

The National Guard and the FSB are purging

  • While the military is desperately trying to complete the task, dig in and prepare positions to hold the territory, units of the Russian Guard and the Russian special services are trying to prepare a referendum for the occupation of Kherson.
  • Putin's militants work on lists of pro-Ukrainian activists, kidnap people and take them away in an unknown direction. The list of war veterans in the Donbass, their families and people in general who would never support the Russian occupation was received by the FSB from local traitor officials, as well as from the priests of the UOC-MP.
  • In parallel with this, the invaders disperse numerous rallies for Ukraine and try to somehow create a picture of support for the occupation for Russian propagandists. On the action held on April 10, the Russians forcibly rounded up passers-by, whose passports were taken away. They returned documents to people only after the “rally”, but they were able to gather a small number of people, since the Ukrainians are trying to bypass the invaders.
  • The occupiers were forbidden to carry out a total purge and behave as in Bucha, since the generals hope to “keep “local loyalty.

Russian military is on the verge of a riot due to the restriction of looting in the Kherson region

People were forced to participate in the pro-Russian rally in Kherson/Photo of the operational command “South”

In addition, the National Guard continues to distribute propaganda leaflets among the residents of Kherson, which contain all the stamps of Russian propaganda about the special operation. Allegedly “the Russian army is not at war with the Ukrainian people”, about the “war with Bandera”.

 The Russian military is on the verge of rebellion due to the restriction of looting in the Kherson regionEveryone wants to loot

In addition to problems with holding territories, as well as with Ukrainians who do not want to be occupied at all, the Russian generals are faced with a new problem. The militants from the units deployed from the Kiev region have already smelled the smell of quick money. They are waiting for permission to plunder and loot. Other Russians express the same desires, but given the possible plans of Moscow to establish its power in Kherson, they are forbidden to do so. Such a situation does not suit the monsters, especially considering that officers violate orders, break into apartments and take out everything of value from them.

Soldiers do the same on the orders of generals. Everything that has been looted, the highest ranks send home through the Crimea. At the same time, ordinary occupiers actually cannot fully engage in robbing people, which causes them great indignation.

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