Home » Russian generals do not know how to report failures at the front: the counteroffensive changes the rules of the game

Russian generals do not know how to report failures at the front: the counteroffensive changes the rules of the game

by alex

The Russian command greeted the start of counter-offensive operations by the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the Kherson region with a smile and mockery, believing that the invaders ready to defend their positions. However, it turned out that the enemies once again underestimated the power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Troops, the police and other groups of our state.

The advance of Ukrainian forces in the Kherson region cannot be called swift due to the fact that the tactics of the General Staff is to exhaust the invaders and preserve their own personnel. One way or another, it was in this direction that the enemy expected counteroffensive actions, prepared for them and pulled up reserves. It is this fact, according to Channel 24 sources in intelligence, that gave the invader generals a reason to report that the armies will be able to fulfill their political task.

However, the change in the situation in the Kharkiv region put the command of the Horde troops in an extremely uncomfortable position. Because to admit to the leadership that the lines of defense of Russia are systematically crumbling on different fronts, everyone is afraid.

The situation in the Kherson region is critical for the Russians

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  • Russian intelligence officers, the so-called “military correspondents”, and even some officers in all directions submitted information to their superiors that a Ukrainian counteroffensive was being prepared on the sectors of the front entrusted to them. However, these data were stubbornly ignored at the headquarters, believing that the only area where hostilities could intensify was the Kherson region.
  • That is why the invaders transferred additional reserves to the right bank of the Dnieper to strengthen the defense of the temporarily occupied region. The Horde really hoped that the failure of all bridges would not affect the supply of the group with everything they needed, that they would be able to use pontoon crossings and barges.
  • But all the backup options for communication between the two banks were incredibly effectively blocked by Ukrainian artillerymen, which is why the many thousands of troops of Putin's guardsmen were even without water in some places. The deliveries of ammunition, food and everything else have recently been carried out exclusively with the help of helicopters.
  • Of course, the Russians cannot fully replace land communication with the help of the Mi-8 and Mi-17. Because there are not many such helicopters, and the payload of such aircraft is only 3 tons.

    In addition, Ukrainian infantry, motorized units, artillery and aviation constantly inflict significant impressions on the invaders, which allows both the liberation of some settlements and the constant reduction of the horde's capabilities.

    In addition, changes in the situation at the front lead to extraordinary panic among the invaders. After all, they have turned from a “hunter” into a victim, and the Russians never like this role. So in the various chat rooms where the invaders communicate with each other, there is a huge wave of “spite” and whining.

    Even propagandists and military correspondents could not resist the wave of disappointment. First they wrote about how the “counteroffensive failed”, and then they began to talk about how “the heroic paratroopers held all positions.” Of course, the next day, the narratives changed, and it became clear to the entire large Russian audience that there had been a failure at the front.

    Counteroffensive in Kharkovskaya area is a game changer on all fronts

    With all the problems of the occupying forces in the Kherson direction, the Russian generals could well call the overall situation controlled. About what to report to Moscow. The command of the horde believed that the subsequent blows that Ukraine would inflict would also be in the Kherson region. As it turned out, they deliberately ignored their own intelligence data and did nothing to protect their troops in the Kharkiv region.

    Because of this, the defense forces of Ukraine literally crushed the positions of the invaders near Balakliya, and the Russians, although they offered their traditional resistance, fell to pieces. Hundreds of Russian war criminals died, dozens surrendered and were taken prisoner. This also applies to those mobilized in the DPR and LPR.

    The breakthrough of the front in the Kharkiv direction led to the fact that the personnel of the invaders pretty much panicked. After all, none of the Russians understands whether them forces to stop the advance of the Ukrainian troops. At the same time, all members of the Horde believe that commanders will run away if something happens, leaving their subordinates to death.

    In addition, the invaders who are in the temporarily occupied north of Donbass are very tense , because the UAF will first cut their supplies, and then they will come for their lives.

    Russian generals themselves are also desperate, because they seem to be planning a big offensive against Donetsk direction with the forces of their third army corps, and now they will have to spray the remnants of the reserves in a thin layer along the entire front. And it changes all the rules of the game.

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