Home » Russia will not stop in Ukraine – Zhdanov on Medvedchuk's threats to the West

Russia will not stop in Ukraine – Zhdanov on Medvedchuk's threats to the West

by alex

Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin's godfather Viktor Medvedchuk decided to sail away into the political arena of Russia and published an article about Ukraine. The essence of the article is that Russia will win the war with Ukraine.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov announced this in the author's moisture on his channel. Channel 24. He added that the article completely repeats Putin's rhetoric and is terrifying for the West.

“It is written that if the West does not abandon Ukraine and stop helping us, then it is the culprit that the world will emerge into a nuclear war and conflict “, Zhdanov explained.

Demand for detente process

According to the military expert, the main point of the article is “Surrender, Russia will win”.< /p>

Ukraine with Russia is the right option, Ukraine with the West is not the right option and the wrong Ukraine,” Zhdanov detailed.

According to the military expert, another shipment articles – a demand to start the process of detente in exchange for the absence of a nuclear war.

“The process of detente is negotiations with Russia, taking into account the interests of Russia. And the interests of Russia – Ukraine is disarming, not joining NATO and gradually drifting towards Russia “, – said Zhdanov.

According to the expert, such an idea is another proposal for a truce, a stop at the current situation – the occupied territories remain with Russia. At the same time, Ukraine undertakes the obligation of neutrality and disarmament.

What are the threats of Medvedchuk's article: watch the video

Threat for Europe

“We know Putin's plans – to gather a million-strong army and continue the march on the western borders of Ukraine. But this will not be a campaign on the western borders. European politicians understand that this will be a campaign on the whole of Eastern Europe, at least,” Oleg Zhdanov believes.

The military expert suggested that the “old Europe” may feel more or less calm, because they hope that they will be able to negotiate with Putin, as it was before the start of the war.

Another IPSO

Zhdanov added that Medvedchuk did not forget to call on the pro-Russian forces to create a new political movement, go to power and “turn the shafts” of Ukraine towards Russia.

From my point of view, nothing but another IPSO against Ukraine, this article does not carry. An attempt to shout to the West? Well, who is Medvedchuk for Western politicians? If we in Ukraine have practically leveled it to zero,” the military expert explained.

Oleg Zhdanov also believes that the pro-Russian forces have no one to resist in the electoral field.

“The electoral field, which the Party of Regions or the Opposition Platform for Life once had, is today ironed by Russian tanks, Russian soldiers are shooting. Therefore, I do not think that this can have further political consequences,” the military expert suggested.

Therefore, according to Oleg Zhdanov, Medvedchuk's article can be considered just another “voice crying in the wilderness.”

Medvedchuk's article on Ukraine

  • In the Russian propaganda publication Izvestiya, on January 16, an article by Viktor Medvedchuk was published in which he promotes standard Kremlin narratives and calls on the West to “release”. In particular, the idea of ​​two sorts of Ukrainians is mentioned, which pro-Russian forces have been spreading since 2004.
  • According to Vadim Denisenko, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs, the article is intended not for a Western audience, but for pro-Russian Ukrainians. In his opinion, 7-8% of such people remain in Ukraine.
  • According to Denisenko, the creation of Medvedchuk's PVK, which will consist of pro-Russian Ukrainians, is not ruled out.

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