Home » Russia will close the Crimean bridge and will hold people on the peninsula hostage, – expert

Russia will close the Crimean bridge and will hold people on the peninsula hostage, – expert

by alex

Russians can close the Crimean bridge/collage 24 channels

Because of the explosions at the Novofedorovsky airfield, the “come in large numbers” Russians began to flee en masse from the temporarily occupied Crimea, because of this there were huge traffic jams on the Crimean bridge. Russians can completely block the passage there, it is necessary for certain strategic things.


About this Channel 24said military expert Yigal Levin. He also noted that if a large number of people want to escape across the Crimean bridge, then, most likely, the Russians will block it for passage.

This bridge can also be isolated for protection, because Sooner or later, Ukraine will strike at this object as soon as such an opportunity arises, – says Yigal Levin.

According to the expert, one must understand that the destruction of the bridge is not the same as the strike on the airfield. We do not fully know what happened in Novofedorivka – what kind of missiles or sabotage it was.

“The Crimean bridge is a much more difficult object to destroy, but it will be hit, that’s obvious,” says Levin.

The Russians can close the Crimean bridge in order to:

    < li>civilians did not photograph the means and security systems of the bridge;

  • so that civilians could not leave the territory of Crimea.

Explosions occurred at the airfield in Crimea (Novofedorovka)

  • August 9, “clap” was heard in the temporarily occupied Crimea. Subsequently, it became known that the explosions took place at the Russian air base near Novofedorovka. It was about a military airfield from where fighters and bombers attacking the south of Ukraine take off.
  • The invaders began to come up with numerous versions of various reasons that could explain the explosions and thick smoke. Finally, they explained this as a violation of fire safety.
  • The network showed a full video of explosions at an airfield in Crimea. As a result of the attack, the planes were destroyed, and the windows in houses a kilometer from the epicenter flew out.

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