Home ยป Russia will cease to exist within its current borders: it was decided back in 2004

Russia will cease to exist within its current borders: it was decided back in 2004

by alex

Putin's policy will lead to the disappearance of Russia in its modern form/UkrMedia

A little conspiracy theory for your feed. One comrade abroad said that everything that is happening today has been prepared since 2004.

How Putin's “zeroing” began

Recall that in the spring of 2004, Putin came to the second term, this year in Russia there were several terrorist attacks prepared by the FSB, and in the autumn there was an Orange Maidan in Ukraine.

At this time, the vector of movement of Ukraine from Russia towards the West was formed. Why? We recall the American ideologist Brzezinski, who said that “Without Ukraine, Russia is not an empire.”

In 1991, there was a chance to become a prosperous European state, billions of dollars were invested in Russia, modern factories were built.But Russia chose the path of the Horde.Let me remind you:

  • nomads engaged in robberies;
  • received tribute from subordinate regions;
  • did not tolerate democracy;
  • used aggression and blackmail as the main tool for negotiating and getting their own.

This was contrary to the goals and principles of the “collective West”. As a result, several scenarios for the “deconstruction of Russia” were created. They did the same with the USSR at one time.

Remember, I already wrote about the “bait” in the form of the Space Program, which was swallowed by the USSR? Having spent billions of dollars at that time, the USSR lost its economy and collapsed.

The bait that Russia did not master

Today's Russia has a much greater stock of economic strength. In addition to a serious role in the energy market, which Russia uses as an instrument of blackmail, in 2020 it completed a complete renovation of its armed forces and became a real threat to its neighbors.

Russia has extended its interests far beyond its borders. Close economic cooperation with France and Germany made Russia an influential European entity. Partnership projects with China (economic, energy, Shanghai Cooperation Organization) – made it an influential Asian entity. An active presence in the Middle East created problems for American policy and was an instrument of pressure on Israel.

Putin sincerely sought to reproduce the USSR 2.0 and be a leading global player. But! Returning to Brzezinski, who compared global politics to the “Grand Chessboard”, Putin played too much and began to play against the rules, and at the same time lost his fear. bait, which Russia swallowed with pleasure, believing that these were her successes. Ukraine was assigned the main role here. A bait that cannot be swallowed.

Secrets of war: how the bloody path began

In 2014, there were real opportunities to prevent the occupation of either Donbass or Crimea. I know this from our military. But they passed, relying on the strict recommendations of one large country. According to a friend, and I agree with him (there is confirmation), we ceded the territory, which created a chain of events for Russia that led to today.

Since 2014, Ukraine has been preparing for it (preparing Ukraine). And so the “brilliantly prepared blitzkrieg” failed.

No, here we cannot reject the Ukrainian people, who are able to organize themselves and are an important element of our confrontation. But the army of Ukraine in 2022 is not at all the same as it was in 2014 and 2015. The United States has put a lot of effort into this. Here is the training of commanders of a new quality, and the transfer to NATO standards of our army, and modern technologies … And the tangibility of Putin's obvious losses is proof of this. The Lend-Lease decision is also an element of that big plan that was formed long ago.

Who will go down in history as the destroyer of the new Carthage

It is important that this plan does not have clear terms, it has an event and a role. And Ukraine plays a special role in this regard. Ukraine is the main deconstructor of the “Russian world” and Russia. Russia, within the limits where it exists today, will cease to exist. The map will be redrawn, as the project “Russian Federation” is recognized as unsuccessful. In this picture, Ukraine appears on the map, which begins to play an important role in the updated game of the West.

Have you ever wondered why Boris Johnson provided Ukraine with important weapons before the start of the war? It is also a link in the chain. And this chain is closely connected with far-sighted events.

America is returning to an active role in Europe. In addition to Poland, a successful project of the Americans, Ukraine will also become a successful economic and already military project. In Europe, a new economic union will be formed, including Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic countries and the UK. This alliance will be designed to create a powerful counterbalance to Germany and France. And it will become the new economic center of Europe. Such a European China. Which, unlike the stagnating old West, will be a rising star.

His role will be important and will extend to the following areas:

  • regional security center with the strongest and most efficient army;
  • supplier of military products and PMCs to US-friendly countries;
  • European center for energy security;
  • one of the centers of world food security;
  • center dual-use innovations and technologies;
  • regional monetary center (capital market).

This union will also take control of the European part of the territory of modern Russia.

The above resulted only a small part of this conversation. I do not undertake to assess the correctness of all hypotheses, but there are already quite a few facts confirming it.

With which I completely agree – Ukraine still has a very good growth path. We will have to win the war with Russia on our own, but only in this way will we confirm our right to the role assigned to us by the global elites in the future of Europe and the world.

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