Home » “Russia was provoked” and “we will take away all the tanks”: outrageous statements by the President of Croatia

“Russia was provoked” and “we will take away all the tanks”: outrageous statements by the President of Croatia

by alex

Despite the fact that the Ukrainian defenders have been heroically and powerfully resisting the Russian occupiers for almost a year now, there are still Western officials who say that “it is better for Putin not to cross the road.” Actually, the current president of Croatia, Zojan Milanovic, was noted for cowardly and pro-Kremlin statements.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the leader of Croatia plays along with the Kremlin’s propaganda and voices frankly senile statements about the Russian-Ukrainian war. For example, this time Milanovic stated that Russia is a “dangerous country” and for some reason no one realizes this. Russia

At a time when the soldiers of the Armed Forces are flogging the “second army of the world”, the head of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, is holding a press conference, at which he says that Russia is a “superpower”. His argument is “unconditional”, saying that Putin has nuclear weapons, so it is impossible to beat him.

Russia is a dangerous country, you don't understand anything. Ukrainians pathologically hate Russians. You don't understand anything. They rebelled there against the world's nuclear superpower,” he said.

Of course, no one will deny that nuclear weapons in Putin's hands are something very dangerous. However, allowing the Russian dictator to blackmail the world with him is also obviously not an option. And the president of Croatia himself, in all likelihood, should understand this.

In addition, if the Kremlin does decide to press the “red button”, this only indicates the weakness and insignificance of the “superpower”, which calls itself Russia.

We are getting deeper and deeper into conflict with the superpower. You know if it will, if the Russians lose the war. They will finally use nuclear weapons. Crazy emotions and hatred are leading Europe to something they cannot cope with, Milanovic also stated.

At the same time, he added that he was trying to “open the world's eyes to what is happening.” In fact, he is already openly playing along with Russian propaganda and only reinforcing the Kremlin's narratives that Russia is a “majestic state with the second army of the world.”

“None the tank will not go to Ukraine”

Such statements by President Milanovych could not be taken into account at all, if not for one nuance. Croatia is a member state of the European Union and, in particular, the supply of weapons to our state also depends on it. And the position of Zagreb, oddly enough, is very categorical and very pro-Russian on this issue.

From 2014 to 2022, we watched someone provoke Russia with the intention of starting this war. That's why it started. A year has passed, we are only now talking about tanks. Not a single American tank will go to Ukraine in a year. We will take away all the German tanks that will be sent there,” Zoryan Milanovich threatened.

Actually, in this case, there is nothing to say. One can only recall the recent statement of the odious Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. He managed to say that Ukraine is a “no man's land”, comparing it with Afghanistan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our state immediately reacted to this stupidity. They noted that they would have a serious talk with the Hungarian ambassador.

In general, these and similar incidents indicate that Russian propaganda still influences the brains of people in Europe. It is necessary to filter all the information disseminated by the network in order not to become another victim of hostile myths, as happened with Zoryan Milanovich and Viktor Orban.

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