Home » Russia wants to ban children of migrants from attending schools

Russia wants to ban children of migrants from attending schools

by alex

Russian schools have been banned from enrolling children of migrants who do not speak Russian. Otherwise, the education of the entire class “will be frustrated”.

In Russia, they believe that because of this, allegedly “not only Russian children, but also visitors themselves” will suffer. This was stated by Valery Fadeev, head of the Council under the President of Russia for the development of civil society and human rights, channel 24 informs.

Why do they want to ban migrant children from attending Russian schools >

We believe that the children of migrants who do not speak Russian should not be included in our schools. Otherwise, the teaching of the entire class will be disrupted. What kind of educational process can we talk about if they do not understand anything? – Fadeev said.

He believes that such children supposedly need to be sent to annual preparatory courses in the Russian language and only after that they should be included in the general class.

“Those migrants who temporarily work in Russia have no reason to bring their families here. Moreover, many of them deliberately come here to give birth,” added Fadeev.

Children are taught to kill Ukrainians

Russian invaders continue to impose their orders on the occupied territories. In the Donetsk region, infidels organized a so-called “children's camp”, where they “brainwash” little Ukrainians. Such a camp operates in the village of Melekino near Mariupol. This Channel 24 was told by the adviser to the mayor of the city Petr Andryushchenko.

According to him, children from the nearby occupied territories – from Mariupol and the Mariupol region, as well as Volnovakha are being built there.

“There are 10-12 children from Mariupol. These are the children of those collaborators who were among the first to join the occupation regime,” Andryushchenko said.

According to the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, children are drilled in Melekino in the neo-pioneer tradition. Russians pay attention to physical training and the so-called “patriotic education”, as well as teach children how to handle weapons and shoot.

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