Home » Russia uses Serbian writer Despot to promote anti-Ukrainian narratives

Russia uses Serbian writer Despot to promote anti-Ukrainian narratives

by alex

Russia uses Serbian writer Despot/Channel 24 collage

Russia continues to wage an information war against Ukraine. The Kremlin is using Serbian writer Slobodan Despot to promote its narrative.

The Kremlin has been using Despot for more than 10 years

The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council reported that Russian propaganda is using Despot to promote the Kremlin's narrative about the “inevitable disintegration of Ukraine as a state”.

The Russian military has failed in the North of Ukraine and has huge losses in other parts of our country. Against this background, Russian propaganda is promoting the thesis that the West is not interested in preserving the integrity of Ukraine.

It is reported that the Serbian writer Despot is talking in the West about the “Yugoslav or Czechoslovak scenarios” for Ukraine. The Center for Counteracting Disinformation noted that liberal oppositionists are also promoting identical provisions in Russia.

The Kremlin has been using Despot for more than 10 years. In particular, the literate distributes the theses “Crimea reunited with Russia”, “Russian armed forces are a large army of descendants of the winners of the Second World War” and “The event is responsible for the Russophobic moods of the world.”

The only possible Yugoslav scenario for Putin is a repetition of the fate of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, who was found guilty of crimes against humanity by the Hague Tribunal,” the CPI concluded.

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