Home » Russia uses ammunition depots in Transnistria to smuggle weapons

Russia uses ammunition depots in Transnistria to smuggle weapons

by alex

Ammunition from Transnistria can be used as smuggling./Main Intelligence Directorate

Provocations took place on the territory of the unrecognized republic of Transnistria bordering Ukraine. Due to the fact that this territory of Moldova is under the control of Russia, Russian special services could not do without it.

One of the largest ammunition depots in the village of Kolbasnaya is located on the territory of Transnistria. It is only 2 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. True, this ammunition is still from Soviet times.

These munitions are used during the exercises of the Russian army in the territory of Transnistria. But not only.

“Part of the ammunition is used for combat training, part, according to military intelligence, for smuggling,” said Vadim Skibitsky, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Transnistria as springboard for an attack on Ukraine. And Moldova

Ukrainian intelligence does not exclude the fact that Russia may use Transnistria as an additional springboard for an attack. At the same time, we are talking not only about Ukraine, with which Russia started the war. But also about Moldova, which is increasingly moving away from Russia towards Europe.

We are monitoring the development of the situation in Transnistria. There is a serious struggle going on between the authorities and the special services of Russia are working very actively. The terrorist acts committed on the territory of Pridnestrovie were aimed at forcing the leadership of Pridnestrovie to agree to the expansion of the presence of Russian troops, – said Vadim Skibitsky.

These explosions and provocations are a signal for the leadership of Moldova. In this way, Russia puts pressure on local authorities to abandon their pro-European policy.

“As for the terrorist attacks themselves, this is a characteristic feature of the FSB. According to our information, everything that is happening on the territory of Transnistria is under the control of the FSB” , – said Vadim Skibitsky.

“Terrorist attacks” in Pridnestrovie: the main thing

On April 25, explosions were heard near the building of the so-called “Ministry of State Security” in Tiraspol. The next day, antennas broadcasting Russian frequencies were destroyed.

In Transnistria, they hastened to blame Ukraine for everything.

Moreover, the Russian army, which is supposedly “peacekeeping”, is located on this territory. After the “acts of terror” it was transferred to full combat readiness.

The Russian army has been there for 30 years. It was in 1992 that a war broke out in this region, and only the intervention of the Russian army led to a quasi-formation called the “Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic”.

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