Home » Russia twists the fact of de-occupation of territories by Ukraine: New Kakhovka is compared with Beirut

Russia twists the fact of de-occupation of territories by Ukraine: New Kakhovka is compared with Beirut

by alex

Kremlin propaganda tries to equate the events in New Kakhovka with terrorist attacks/Collage of Channel 24

On the evening of July 11, the Armed Forces of Ukraine accurately hit the enemy ammunition depot in Nova Kakhovka. Russia, of course, is trying to turn the incident in its favor through disinformation.

The propagandists of the aggressor country equate the events in Nova Kakhovka with the terrorist attacks in Beirut, while distorting the fact that Ukraine de-occupied its territories. The Center for Counteracting Disinformation warned Ukrainians about another Kremlin fake.

The Kremlin wants accurate strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the South to be perceived as terrorist attacks

Against the background of the destruction of Russian ammunition depots in Nova Kakhovka, Kremlin propaganda spread a fake that the United Nations allegedly “condemned the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region.

In fact, the representative of the UN Secretary General Farhan Khak said that the organization ” has no commentson this particular issue”. At the same time, the UN as a whole opposes “any military action that causes the destruction of civilian buildings”.

Thus, Russia distorts the fact of de-occupation by Ukraine of its own territories, calling it acts of terrorism and comparing the expulsion of Russians from Nova Kakhovka with the events in Beirut.

Help.We are talking about the terrorist attacks on November 12, 2015 in the Lebanese capital, committed by two suicide bombers in the Burj al-Barajna. The so-called Islamic State (ISIS) took responsibility for what was done.

By the way, comparing the de-occupation of the territories of a sovereign state with terrorist acts is absurd. The Center for Counteracting Disinformation emphasized that the Ministry of Defense follows the order of the President to dismiss the South of our state.

Recall that a number of legitimate officials of the Kherson region have repeatedly urged local residents to if possible evacuate< /strong> to facilitate the work of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the de-occupation of the region. In mid-June, the Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, Irina Vereshchuk, also made such a call.

We add that the head of the Joint Coordination Center for the Defense Forces of the South, Natalya Gumenyuk, said that preparations for the liberation of the region continue since the first day of a full-scale invasion of Russia. According to her, the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the South are advancing every day, however, for a more dynamic de-occupation, Ukraine needs more Western weapons.

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