Home » “Russia Thinks It Has the Right to Self-Defense”: Orban Issues New Cynical Statement on War

“Russia Thinks It Has the Right to Self-Defense”: Orban Issues New Cynical Statement on War

by alex

“Russia Thinks It Has the Right to Self-Defense”: Orban Issues New Cynical Statement on War Angelika Baybak

Orban issued a cynical statement about the war/Getty Images

Viktor Orban stated that Ukraine and Russia will not be able to agree on peace and end the war on their own, so a third country must be involved. Moreover, he claims that each country is guided by its “own truth.”

The Hungarian Prime Minister cynically added that Ukrainians consider the war a Russian invasion that violates international law, while at the same time – Russia allegedly “has the right to self-defense.” He explained these words by the fact that the Kremlin does not want to see “NATO troops and weapons” on the border.

Orban made a new cynical statement

Speaking at the Tusvanyos summer camp in Romania, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban once again distinguished himself with pro-Russian statements. Thus, he claims that peace in Ukraine can only come if there is intervention from another country.

If it depends on two warring parties, Ukraine and Russia, then there will be no peace. Peace can only be brought from outside, Orban said.

The Hungarian Prime Minister added that Ukraine and Russia allegedly “suffer equally severe losses in the war, which amount to hundreds of thousands.” However, according to Orban, both countries “still do not want to reconcile.”

However, the most striking are the following statements, in which Orban decided to compare Ukraine and Russia. Thus, the Hungarian Prime Minister decided to “illuminate” the positions of the countries. Orban began to claim that Ukraine and Russia believe that they can win, but “both are guided by their own real or imaginary truth.” According to Orban, Ukrainians “believe” that Russia's invasion is a war that violates international law and territorial sovereignty, and therefore Ukrainians are exercising self-defense and waging a war for independence.

At the same time, Orban stated that Russia also “has the right to self-defense.” They say that, in the opinion of Russians, “serious NATO military activities are taking place in Ukraine,” and therefore the Kremlin “does not want to see NATO troops or NATO weapons on the Russian-Ukrainian border.” Orban added that because of this, Russia believes that it “has the right to self-defense” and the war is allegedly “provoked.”

Thus, everyone has some kind of justice, imaginary or real, and neither side will give up the war… This leads directly to escalation, Orban summed up.

By the way, it was previously announced that the EU Council will discuss Orban's behavior and his pro-Russian statements. Thus, member states assess the position of Hungary, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU, because it is about protecting Ukraine, which has been subjected to aggression.

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