Home » Russia talks about the “doom” of Ukraine through the mouth of the convicted American maniac Ritter

Russia talks about the “doom” of Ukraine through the mouth of the convicted American maniac Ritter

by alex

“Expert” came up with the “surrender” of Ukraine/Collage of Channel 24 strong _ngcontent-sc90=””>Russians will never get tired of wishful thinking. They are confidently marching towards ruin, while making all kinds of freaks lie about “success”.

For 118 days the heroic Ukrainian army and people have been resisting the Russian invaders. The enemy’s affairs are going very badly: insane losses, isolation, lack of strategic success, and the entire civilized world has taken the side of Ukraine and is helping us in every possible way. It is obvious that in the future Russia will only face defeat, disgrace and responsibility for the crimes committed. But this does not prevent them from inventing their own alternative reality.

Foreign “experts” of Russia

Since all reasonable people around the world refused to have anything to do with the Russians, let alone communicate with their propagandists, the invaders have to look for manual “experts” who no longer have anything like a reputation in order to somehow broadcast their absurdity to the masses.

According to Sergey Leshchenko, the Russians invited an “American military analyst”, a kind of Scott Ritter, to one of the propaganda broadcasts. He, out of some fright, said that “Ukraine is doomed to capitulation, one of the conditions of which will be the cessation of the existence of the Ukrainian army.”

First, the crazy statement about the surrender of Ukraine causes laughter. No matter how Russian infidels dream about it, but in this war only one side capitulates – the Russians.

Secondly, the heroic Armed Forces of Ukraine are actively ending the existence of the Russian “second army of the world” right now and without any capitulations . Soon, the heavy weapons of partners will add even more firepower to our defenders and defenders, and then the question will arise whether there will be at least something left of the Russian army.

no one needs this. Besides the Russians, of course, they gladly accept such characters into their ranks.

Russia's war against Ukraine: latest news

  • The Russians have resumed intensive shelling of Kharkov. Explosions are heard in the city, locals are asked to stay in shelters.
  • Putin demanded that Lukashenka attack Ukraine. He is afraid of collapse and how he can play for time, because his army will be destroyed immediately after crossing the Ukrainian border.

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