Home » Russia should become a global pariah – Zelensky called the steps that Europe should take

Russia should become a global pariah – Zelensky called the steps that Europe should take

by alex

Vladimir Zelensky/Office of the President

< strong _ngcontent-sc129="">Europe and the world have become dependent on Russia. Some of this was done inadvertently. Russia is already carrying out another part of the world crisis systematically with the help of its army.

This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy during an address to the participants of the Prespa Forum Dialogue. He devoted his speech to the challenges that Russia throws to Europe because of the war against Ukraine, and about what this Europe should be like.

“Russia has challenged all of us – every nation on the continent, every region of Europe. For Ukraine, this is the most terrible challenge – military, and we have been defending ourselves for the 113th day against Russia's ambitions to destroy the Ukrainian people and our culture. Ukrainian cities destroyed by the Russian army, millions migrants, hundreds of thousands of people who were deported by the Russian military, and tens, tens of thousands of killed Ukrainians.And all this is the maximum manifestation of Russian anti-European policy.By starting this war against Ukraine, Russia tried to create a springboard for attacking other peoples of Europe in this war and the upcoming victory are fundamentally important for the security of all in Europe,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

The Ukrainian president said that today there is not a single country left in Europe that has not suffered from at least one of the many manifestations of Russian anti-European policy.

Freedom from energy dependence

As an example, Vladimir Zelensky cited the crisis that arose with the supply of energy resources from Russia to Europe. For many years, Russia has tried to pose as a reliable supplier. But all this was only in order to make other countries dependent on their energy resources – gas and oil.

And now Russia is using this dependence to its advantage – raising prices, which provokes inflation. Limits gas supplies through blackmail.

Russia provokes food and migration crises

Russia has also contributed to the food crisis that will hit the whole world. The Kremlin is blockading Ukrainian ports while launching rocket attacks on agro-industrial infrastructure, including food storage facilities. This leads to the formation of a food shortage in the world.

“Ukrainian wheat, corn, sunflower oil and other commodities were indispensable for global food stability. Russia knew where to strike to create this crisis. And it deliberately exacerbates it when it prolongs the war against our state and refuses to make the Black Sea safe for shipping” , Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

He noted that Russia thus pursues two goals at once. One of them is a new migration crisis. After all, if hunger begins in African and Asian countries due to food shortages, then new waves of migrants will move to Europe. And in those countries where they come from, political chaos and the fall of governments due to a lack of food and a price crisis may begin.

Russian propaganda worth billions of dollars

Vladimir Zelensky in his speech drew attention to another element of Russian anti-European policy, namely propaganda. She uses it for more than just internal audiences. But also in order to deceive an external audience and incite discord. Billions of dollars are spent on this every year. And in the first months of this year, the Russian propaganda budget was tripled.

“I am sure that each and every one of you knows what propaganda tools have worked or are still working against your states. And this instrument of Russia has only one task: to make it worse. In particular, to make it worse for you too,” Zelensky addressed the participants of the Prespa Forum Dialogue.

Russia must become a pariah

Volodymyr Zelensky calls on Europe to free itself from the chains of dependency that the Russian state has created for decades. This is what the security architecture of Europe should be based on.

“That's why such sanctions are needed against Russia for its anti-European policy, so that they will forever remember the price, including for the food crisis. Anyone who creates artificial hunger must become a global pariah and suffer painful damage.This must be taken into account when preparing the seventh sanctions package of the European Union.And must be aware that the sanctions packages have actually become part of the security architecture on the continent.They work for stability and peace – limit Russia's ability to expand aggression “, – said the President of Ukraine.

He called for Russia to stop making money in Europe and at the same time pursue an anti-European policy. And, finally, to make Europe united, because the European integration of Ukraine and the states of the Western Balkans is “a historical strengthening of Europe and the complete dismantling of the Russian ability to beat us alone.”

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