Roskomnadzor conducts systematic monitoring of social networks in Russia. In particular, they are also looking for those who insult dictator Putin.
Roskomnadzor systematically seeks out who leaves insulting words about Putin in comments and publications. They even have a memo that lists banned words.
Interesting work by Rozkomnadzor
They have been working on a list of banned insults against Putin for more than a year. It was obtained by a group of Belarusian hackers “Cyberpartisans”.
It is noted that exactly 100 quotes from social networks were cited in the table under the heading “Examples of textual violations” Images of the President “dated November 29, 2021. There were various phrases of users, for example : “Putin is some phenomenal whore.”
A year later, the file “Keywords-insults” appeared in the department's documentation. It is located in the “Classifier and Applications” zip-archive and is dated September 14, 2022, Adyan Borisovich Pataev is indicated in the “Author” column. A person with that name and surname defended his diploma in the Business Informatics program at the Higher School of Economics in 2022.
Which words are forbidden in Russia against Putin
Pay attention.
strong>This is a minority of the thousands of words banned by Roskomnadzor. Most of them, although well-deserved, we will not publish for ethical reasons. The full list can be viewed from the source.
- Putin must not be mentioned in the context of sexual intercourse, for example: a condom, sex, wearing heels, lyudmila, a tyrant, shlushidze.
- It is forbidden to publish demotivators depicting a dictator and inscriptions of an offensive nature, for example: old fart, mud * ringing, shit, Honduras, idiot, stupid, rubbish, bzdun, nit, sucker, garbage, corruption, sanctions, tsar, KGB, bandit, no money schul, gonorrhea, chmoshnik, schmuck, sh * lava.
Kisses on the navel were missed: it is also forbidden to suspect the dictator of pedophilia
Yes, in Russia it is forbidden to publish images of the dictator together with images/statements indicating his probable affiliation with pedophilia, for example: pedobear, pervert, pervert, molester, rapist, lover of children, child lover.
It is also interesting that Roskomnadzor monitors and blacklists “not only insults against Putin, but also any communication information about his health.