Home » Russia really doesn’t like this: what an important message from the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping

Russia really doesn’t like this: what an important message from the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping

by alex

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met at a summit in San Francisco / Channel 24 Collage (photo: Getty Images)

US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping met in San Francisco on November 15. Both sides noted that they do not want direct confrontation, so they are restoring military contacts.

Xi Jinping said that planet Earth is enough for both China and the United States. Political scientist Igor Chalenko noted to Channel 24 that Russia really does not like this statement.

Russia is exclusively a vassal of China

As Igor Chalenko noted, during the meeting, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping spoke about the impossibility of open confrontation between states. The PRC and the USA are resuming military contacts and want to show that the two polarities that are now emerging in the world do not mean the beginning of a global conflict.

Next will be communication. As Xi Jinping said, the planet is enough for both the USA and China. By the way, Russia really doesn’t like this, which was precisely in the position of a multipolar world, not a bipolar one. That is, now it turns out that Russia is exclusively a vassal of the PRC,” he said.

Although the aggressor country perceives such statements extremely negatively, Russian propaganda will call this “confrontation with world capitalism and evil on the part of the United States.”

Chalenko on Xi’s visit to the USA: watch the video

Negotiations between Xi and Biden: the main thing

  • Xi Jinping said on October 25 that he was ready to cooperate with the United States. Subsequently, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Washington to prepare for the meeting between the Chinese leader and Joe Biden.
  • On November 15, Xi Jinping arrived in San Francisco to meet with Biden. Subsequently, the Chinese leader was scheduled to attend the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.
  • Xi Jinping and Joe Biden met for the first time in 6 years. According to media reports, negotiations between the two leaders took place in a mansion located south of San Francisco. The leader of the People's Republic of China arrived there by car, where the President of the States and members of the Chinese delegation were already waiting for him. The Biden administration has only shown the beginning of negotiations. The main part of the meeting took place behind closed doors.
  • It is known that Xi Jinping called the bilateral relations between China and the United States the most important in the whole world. He said that the two states have no right to turn their backs on each other. In particular, the leader of the People's Republic of China noted that the size of planet Earth is enough for both countries to achieve success.

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