Home » Russia is trying to create illusion of support for its actions in Europe – Leshchenko

Russia is trying to create illusion of support for its actions in Europe – Leshchenko

by alex

Russians spread fakes/Competitor

Russia has a lot of experience in subversive activities. And we are talking not only about the places of hostilities, but also far away in the countries of Europe. Russia aims to weaken the impact of sanctions on the country.

Russia is trying with all its might to create the illusion of support for its actions on the European continent. To do this, the Russians collect small shares in their support. Such have already been held in Germany, Greece, Cyprus. Many of them end in scandals because of the behavior of the Russians.

But this allows Russian propagandists to show that in fact European countries do not condemn Russia's attack on Ukraine. And the Russians themselves show themselves as a victim of what is happening. And for this, they do not hesitate to spread outright fakes or resort to provocations, which European countries were not ready to fight.

As an example, another fake about a “crucified boy” can be cited – an alleged attack by “Ukrainian refugees” on a 16-year-old teenager in the city of Euskirchen (a suburb of Bonn) just because he spoke Russian. And allegedly from his injuries, he died in the hospital.

The post on the social network was distributed according to the words of a woman who did not see this, but she was told this. There were no videos or photos. This message was quickly spread among the Russian diaspora in Germany to show the “atrocities of the Ukrainians.”

However, the Bonn police denied such an attack – no one was hospitalized with such injuries and no such cases were recorded. Law enforcement officers suspect that it was a specially created “fake video with the aim of inciting hatred.”

The police are now looking for the woman who posted this message. True, she subsequently published a new video, where she stated that she was “misled.”

Where is one example of a possible sabotage to make herself victims – the story of the alleged arson of the Lomonosov school in Berlin. Ukrainian experts recommend not ruling out the option of sabotage.

“The goal of the Russians is to change the attitude of European voters towards themselves, so that they put pressure on politicians who would reconsider their sanctions policy towards Russia,” journalist Sergei Leshchenko is convinced.

Although in Russia they say that they are ready to live under sanctions, they also have to admit that it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this.

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