Home » Russia is preparing for war against NATO, creating threats in many regions – ISW

Russia is preparing for war against NATO, creating threats in many regions – ISW

by alex

ISW analyzed Russia's actions/Collage 24 Channel (Photo GettyImages)

The Kremlin is preparing to wage a large-scale war against NATO. Analysts are convinced that this is what the Russian army's long-term efforts to reorganize and expand are aimed at.

ISW also explained what the Kremlin’s intentions are to expand Russian naval potential. After all, just the other day Vladimir Putin took part in the ceremony of raising the flags of two strategic nuclear submarines.

We are talking about the multi-purpose submarine “Krasnoyarsk” and the strategic “Emperor Alexander III”.

What ISW says about the Kremlin's intentions

Vladimir Putin has expressed his intention to expand Russia's naval capabilities in areas far beyond Ukraine and Eastern Europe, likely in an attempt to strengthen and expand Russia's ability to threaten the West, analysts believe.

< p>They also recall a statement by the head of the Kremlin, who said that two new submarines would join the Russian Pacific Fleet (Eastern Military District) to supposedly protect Russia's Far Eastern borders.

Also dictator assured that they plan to quantitatively strengthen the Russian fleet and strengthen Russian naval power in the Arctic and the Far East, as well as in the Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas.

Analysts of the American Institute War studies note that creating and launching new naval ships is a costly and time-consuming undertaking. In turn, Putin's interest in expanding Russian naval capabilities in all areas where Russia has naval bases suggests that the Kremlin may intend to include naval expansion as part of its long-term military expansion efforts.

Russian military's long-term efforts to restructure and expand are aimed at preparing Russia for the coming large-scale war against NATO, and the allocation of expensive naval resources to areas outside Ukraine and Eastern Europe is likely intended to threaten NATO and its allies in many regions, ISW analysts are convinced.

According to them, Putin constantly emphasizes that the terrorist country is a maritime state. However, experts say it is unclear whether Russian naval manufacturers will be able to produce strategic naval ships of the scale and quality desired by the Kremlin in the coming years.

However, analysts added that the Kremlin is continuing its efforts to gradually mobilize its defense industrial base and can focus on maritime manufacturers.

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