Home » Russia is preparing for “many years of war”: British intelligence provided evidence

Russia is preparing for “many years of war”: British intelligence provided evidence

by alex

The aggressor country is planning a long war/Collage 24 Channel

The full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for more than a year and a half. In Britain they note that the plans of the aggressor country include a long conflict.

This is evidenced by the Kremlin’s intention to increase the country’s defense budget in 2024 by almost 70%.

War of attrition

British intelligence, citing documents from the Russian Ministry of Finance, reports that in the new year Putin aims to spend 30% of total budget expenditures on war. The defense budget of the terrorist country will be 10.8 trillion rubles. Analysts note that Russia will likely be able to maintain such defense spending through 2024, but only at the expense of the economy as a whole.

However, we can already say that the financial scope of the aggressor speaks of its preparation for many years of war in Ukraine.

Where will Russia get the money

Previously, the media already wrote about the Kremlin’s intention to increase spending on the war several times. At the same time, journalists admitted where he plans to get funds to cover them.

Thus, the Russian government predicts budget revenues in 2024 of more than 35 trillion rubles, which is 22 percent more than in 2023. In addition, he expects increased oil and gas revenues. The Kremlin believes that they will grow by almost a quarter – to 11.5 trillion rubles.

Next year, the aggressor country wants to complete the sale of business assets of foreign companies that have left its market. In 2023, the government will receive 114.5 billion rubles from this sale and 2.1 billion rubles in 2024.

Shoigu named the year for the end of hostilities

According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, a full-scale war in Ukraine will last at least until 2025. The official cynically noted that it was then that the Kremlin would seem to be able to achieve its “intended goals.”

Political strategist Abbas Gallyamov believes that these words of Shoigu mean the Kremlin’s failure in domestic politics. The Russian electorate reacted to them quite angrily. At the same time, this statement was made both for the West and for Ukraine – the Russians. they wanted to show that they were ready to fight for a long time. According to their calculations, this should force the West to put pressure on Ukraine on the issue of starting negotiations.

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