Home ยป Russia is preparing for a new wave of mobilization: Muscovites will be thrown into battle

Russia is preparing for a new wave of mobilization: Muscovites will be thrown into battle

by alex

Russia is suffering huge losses in the war against Ukraine and is preparing for a new wave of mobilization. As part of it, special attention will be paid to residents of the “central regions” of the aggressor country.

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported that employees of military registration and enlistment offices are arriving at enterprises in the Russian capital. On the spot, they hold “campaign events” among the workers.

Who is under the gun of the Russian military registration and enlistment offices

Relevant measures are accompanied by moral pressure and intimidation of employees of enterprises. The greatest interest among the military commissars is caused by men aged 40-55 who have served in the army and have certain military specialties.

In addition, propaganda work aimed at foreign citizens is being stepped up in Russia. First of all, it concerns migrants from the former republics of the Soviet Union. So, for signing the contract, they are promised to be granted Russian citizenship.

Men of military age who apply to the authorities for Russian citizenship are invited to sign a contract for military service. After that, the issue of granting citizenship is resolved automatically, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported.

The Kremlin collects “donations” for the army

The Kremlin is putting pressure on owners of commercial and private enterprises. They are forced to make “voluntary donations” to the occupying troops. At the same time, the size of the “contributions” is determined by the so-called inspectors.

Thus, the size of such fees can reach several million rubles. As a result, business owners reduce the cost of business development, as well as the salaries of their employees. In many cases, business owners are forced to reduce the number of institutions that contain or the volume of services.

It is forbidden to gather in groups of more than 20 people in Moscow

For residents the Russian capital introduces a certain duty, namely participation in the so-called “volunteer patrols.” Moscow residents are formed into groups of 3-5 people who patrol the central streets, squares, places near metro stations and large shopping centers.

The main task of such groups is to prevent crowds that can later turn into protests . According to the Kremlin's instructions, any group of more than 20 people is considered “suspicious”.

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