Home » Russia is fueling conflicts around the world: a diplomat explained the Kremlin’s goal

Russia is fueling conflicts around the world: a diplomat explained the Kremlin’s goal

by alex

Russia is spreading its influence around the world/Collage 24 Channel, Getty Images< p _ngcontent-sc94 class="news-annotation">Vladimir Putin’s friend, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, decided to repeat the scenario in which Russia acted. He plans to annex Guyana's disputed Essequibo territory. At least Maduro is preparing the basis for this, in particular, he held a referendum on the annexation of Essequibo to Venezuela.

Diplomat, international affairs expert Ruslan Osipenko said 24 Channel that Maduro allows himself such actions because since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the West has not taken specific measures against the Kremlin. The United States and the European Union tried to negotiate with Russia so that it would not create an alliance with China.

War with Ukraine – only training

From the very beginning, Western countries attempted to tear Russia away from China. We considered various plans to “save face” for Putin and give him the opportunity to get out of the war.

The Kremlin perceived this as a weakness of the West. Russia is acting on its plan, which was announced in December 2021: NATO must move along the 1997 line. This is Central-Eastern Europe and even Finland and the Baltic countries are the zone of influence of the Russians,” the diplomat noted.

Russia continues to act in the context of this scenario. Therefore, the war with Ukraine for Russia is for training, because the Kremlin is preparing for a new war.

The Russians realized that they were poorly prepared for a modern war , because they fight using old methods. They are training in Ukraine and are not going to stop, the international affairs expert is sure.

How Russia is playing a geopolitical game against the West: watch the video

Moreover, Russia continues to fuel conflicts around the world. The Middle East is already on fire. They can also set Africa on fire – Russian PICs have carried out coups in several African countries. The Balkans, where Russia exerts influence through Serbia, could also flare up. They are also setting fire to the geopolitical “underbelly” in America.

All this is being done in order to weaken the West, which would deal with its own problems. And Putin on December 14 (a press conference of the head of the Kremlin will be held – Channel 24) will address his electorate with the words that “Russia is defeating the West”, “sanctions are not working”, “support for Ukraine has stopped” and in general in 2024 “Russia will still show itself “, noted Ruslan Osipenko.

How Russia is spreading its influence in the world

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  • Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro is following Russia's playbook as he attempts to annex the disputed, mineral-rich Essequibo territory. On December 3, Maduro held a referendum, as a result of which Venezuelans supported joining the country of Essequibo, which belongs to Guyana.
  • Maduro also announced the creation of 24 states in Venezuela, which, according to his plan, should become Essequibo. He also signed an “order” on the formation of the so-called “High Commission for the Defense of Guyana-Esequibo”, and also showed a new map with the disputed territory annexed to Venezuela.
  • In addition, Putin visited Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, despite the fact that the ISS in The Hague issued a warrant for his arrest. These visits by the head of the Kremlin indicate that he is trying to spread Russia's influence in the Arab world.
  • Attitudes towards Russia in Arab countries changed after Moscow supported the ceasefire resolution in the Gaza Strip. Putin immediately took advantage of this.
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