Home » Russia is distracted and unprepared for a quick response, NATO general on events in Kursk region

Russia is distracted and unprepared for a quick response, NATO general on events in Kursk region

by alex

Russia is distracted and not ready for a quick response, NATO General on the events in the Kursk region Yaroslav Pogonchuk

Russia does not know how to respond to the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region/GettyImages

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Christopher Cavoli said that Russia is still trying to piece together a response to Ukraine's operation in the Kursk region. So far this reaction has been slow and scattered.

Cavoli believes that Russia's reaction is due to several factors. First, there is a lack of clarity about who should be responsible for the fighting inside the country, and second, there is a shortage of freed-up troops that Russia could send against Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region.

How a NATO general commented on the Kursk operation

Russia is still trying to piece together a response to Ukraine's invasion. So far, it has been a rather slow and scattered response. Partly because Russia has not established who has authority. The Ministry of Defense is responsible for military actions inside Ukraine, but not inside Russia, right? That is, it should be the Ministry of Internal Affairs, – Cavoli said.

He added that Russia also does not have available forces that could be transferred to the Kursk region. Cavoli noted that the number of Russian forces that are on the territory of Ukraine is very significant.

The general notes that the units that remained to confront Ukraine in the Kursk region are conscripts who are legally prohibited from fighting in Ukraine, so they are not the kind of fighters who can be expected to react quickly.

Cavoli emphasizes that Russia has transferred quite a lot of air forces to the Kursk region, however, it is unknown how many ground forces the rebel country plans to attract, and what effect this will have in the future.

“Some units arrived from the east of Ukraine to fight. Obviously, they will be given preference over units from other places. I think that Russia will have to make a decision on their part regarding the timing and the availability of troops,” the general noted.

What is the state of the Ukrainian army

Answering a question about the state of the Ukrainian army, Cavoli noted that despite the problems that the Ukrainian Armed Forces faced, he was amazed by the innovations that Ukraine demonstrated in military, technical and tactical terms.

I think we see some of this (of which – Channel 24) during the offensive in the Kursk region. So, there are certainly challenges, but Ukraine certainly has the ability to overcome them, Cavoli noted.

He also noted the contribution of the international community and how Ukraine was able to use it.

“Over the last few years, it has been absolutely remarkable what Ukraine has been able to do with the assistance of perhaps 50 different countries around the world that have voluntarily come together to help them (the Ukrainians – 24 Kanal) in their fight,” the NATO commander-in-chief summed up.

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