Home » Russia is critically dependent on China: how can this threaten it?

Russia is critically dependent on China: how can this threaten it?

by alex

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American intelligence reported that China is providing economic assistance to Russia and increasing trade with it. However, now Beijing is far from being the best partner for Moscow.

About this 24 Channel said Doctor of Economics Igor Lipsits. He explained whether, from an economic point of view, China's cooperation with Moscow can be called a partnership, or whether Beijing is simply sucking resources out of Russia.

“Russia made friends with an unhealthy partner from whom may become infected with trouble,” Lipsitz said.

The Russian economy may collapse after the Chinese one

Currently China has a difficult economic situation, and there are certain signs of crisis. During 2024, their exports even decreased. It is worth clarifying that the Chinese economy is completely focused on selling goods and services abroad.

At the same time, at this moment the Russian market opened wide for Chinese goods. For Beijing, trade with the aggressor is a system of help and additional income. The Chinese take advantage of this with pleasure.

To say that China significantly helps Russia is not, because it makes money from it, noted the Doctor of Economics .

China buys gas and oil from the aggressor country for yuan, and Russia buys Chinese cars with these funds. And now almost the entire Russian automobile market is flooded with cars from China.

This is beneficial for Beijing, because it received resources inexpensively and sold its products . Russia, of course, does not live very well in such conditions, because it receives goods only from one side and is critically dependent on China,” Lipsits noted.

According to him, if If something happens to the PRC, the Russian economy will move after the Chinese one.

How China is restoring its economy

In 2024, the level of Chinese exports began to increase. The pace of foreign trade even significantly exceeds the expected pace.

The rise of the PRC economy is due to cooperation with Russia, which has become a significant trading partner of Beijing. Since the beginning of the new year, bilateral trade turnover between these states has increased by 9.3%. Now this figure has reached 37 billion dollars.

In just the first months of 2024, exports from China to Russia increased by 12.5%.

However, China is actively cooperating not only with Russia. Beijing's trade with:

  • India increased significantly by 15.8%;
  • Brazil – 33.3%.

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