Home » Russia has weak internal protection: ex-KGB agent explained what indicates this

Russia has weak internal protection: ex-KGB agent explained what indicates this

by alex

Russia is poorly protected / Collage 24 Channel, Getty Images

Russia is transferring all its resources and forces to the war against Ukraine, and Russian territory itself is not very protected. The aggressor country is able to protect only certain areas where it sees potential threats.

Ex-employee of the KGB and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Zhirnov told Channel 24 about this. He recalled attacks on military airfields in Russia that were not protected.

“Putin can do nothing to protect himself”

Sergei Zhirnov noted that Russia is protected only in territories where the Kremlin sees potential threats:

  • western Russia, which is closer to NATO countries;
  • the south of Russia in the Caucasus region, because further there there is Turkey, a member state of the Alliance;
  • The Far East, where China and Japan are located nearby.

In December 2022, Russian military airfields came under attack from Ukraine. We are talking about both “Engels” and “Dyaghilevo”, where Russian fighters were located. Also in 2023, unknown drones flew into the Kremlin.

Moscow turned out to be poorly defended. Russia as a whole is poorly protected. Putin cannot do anything against this, because all his weapons go to the front against Ukraine. If you think that they can compensate for something behind this front, then this is very exaggerated,” explained the ex-KGB agent.

Zhirnov on the lack of internal protection in Russia: watch the video

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