Home » Russia has no humanity: Podolyak on the execution of the Ukrainian military and the consequences for the enemy

Russia has no humanity: Podolyak on the execution of the Ukrainian military and the consequences for the enemy

by alex

Russia's war crimes cannot go unpunished. Because it will create problems even after the Ukrainian victory.

This was announced on Channel 24 by Mykhailo Podolyak, Advisor to the Head of the President's Office. He stressed that Ukraine must reach the right end of the war, develop physical and legal tools to “get those who committed such crimes against Ukraine.” In particular, they also talk about the execution of a Ukrainian soldier by Russians for the words “Glory to Ukraine.”

It is impossible to negotiate with Russia

Russia has practically left the list of countries that need to be listened to and with which it is necessary to conduct a dialogue. And such actions, like the execution of an unarmed soldier, once again emphasize the impossibility of conducting any negotiations with the current military-political regime of Russia, Mikhail Podolyak noted.

“This suggests that Russia today does not have humanity at all, as a concept. That is, there are no social groups there that could influence society and explain that this is unnatural, that this should not be allowed. This excludes Russia from any dialogue”. forms, and it seems to me that our partners are very aware of this,” the official said.

Mikhail Podolyak on the consequences of war crimes for Russia: watch the video

Russia must lose

The West clearly understands the crimes that Russia is now committing in Ukraine. And it finally fixes the position that it must lose, the adviser to the head of the President's Office is sure. He stressed that the partners support Ukraine in its desire to get to the authors of the war and the perpetrators of all crimes.

But here I agree with representatives of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine – it is not always necessary to wait for legal instruments. We will also have physical tools to get to these people one way or another. Therefore, it is important to reach the right end of the war,” Mykhailo Podolyak emphasized.

The execution of the Ukrainian military: the reaction of the world

  • On the day of the tragedy, Andriy Yermak, head of the President's Office, wrote that war crimes are being cultivated in Russia, which the enemy then “whitens” with the help of propaganda. Killing a prisoner is another example of this.
  • A spokeswoman for the UN Human Rights Office confirmed the authenticity of the video. According to her, since the beginning of the full-scale war, they have documented numerous violations in the case of prisoners of war.
  • US State Department spokesman Ned Price said that Russia should be ashamed: “it despises the basic rules of war, elementary humanity and decency.”
  • Meanwhile, Russia is in the stage of denial. They do not condemn the actions of their military, but consider it “another production.”

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