Home » Russia has destroyed the fourth system of international relations: what is the world on the verge of now?

Russia has destroyed the fourth system of international relations: what is the world on the verge of now?

by alex

Russia has destroyed the last system of international relations/Collage 24 Channel

Today the whole world faces global challenges. The current phase of a full-scale war is the highest point in what is happening.

The worst thing the Russians have done is to completely destroy the fourth system of international relations. A military expert, reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Petr Chernik spoke about this to24 Channel, adding that the next system will also appear in a major global confrontation.

What are the systems of international relations

There are only four such systems that developed as a result of wars:

  • Westphalian, summing up the results of the Thirty Years' War, which ended in 1648;
  • Vienna – based on the results of the Napoleonic wars;
  • Versailles – concluded after the First World War;
  • Yaltino-Potsdam – the last system that emerged as a result of the Second World War, which was destroyed by Russia.

Petr Chernik drew attention to an important event that recently occurred, namely the formation of two global world blocs. Like, about the Global South and the Global North.

BRICS invited irreconcilable competitors – Iran and Saudi Arabia. This happened through the mediation of China. There is a Global South, and if you count it in terms of human potential, it’s almost 6 billion of humanity,” said the military expert.

There is also the Global North, to which Ukraine wants to return. Our state abandons the Soviet classification of the countries of the “first world”, that is, capitalist and the “second world” – socialist.

Petr Chernik spoke about changes in the international system of relations: watch the video

What does this reformatting of the world mean for Ukraine

Geography is the most fundamental aspect of geopolitics; governments come and go, even dictatorships die, but geographic ranges remain the same. Geopolitician Nicholas Spykman previously wrote about this. The military expert also gave examples of the largest invasions from Asia into Europe. For example, the Ottoman invasion, which stormed Byzantium for many years.

Now we ask ourselves, will it be different in terms of our geopolitical situation? Samuel Huntington also wrote that a clash of civilizations is inevitable and we, unfortunately, are again a springboard,” Chernik noted.

Therefore, we need to look for our place, and we know what a European nation is, so we have no other alternative than the Global North.

BRICS Summit: what is it about? said

  • The BRKIS group was created to discuss economic problems. Currently it includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. At the end of August, the BRICS summit was held in South Africa, where they announced the expansion of the organization from 2024. Six more countries were invited to join it.
  • Vladimir Putin did not go to the summit, but spoke at the event online. The Russian dictator began to say that the aggressor country seemed to have the “5th economy in the world,” and also began to praise the opportunities, which were supposedly even greater than those of Germany. Subsequently, his speech was called “an outsider’s performance at someone else’s concert.”
  • For China, the summit was supposed to become a definite basis for creating its own grouping of states as opposed to the “Great Seven”. Since Russia has been significantly weakened during a full-scale war against Ukraine, China likely wants to take advantage of this.

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