Home » Russia has accused Europe in the approximation of the cold war

Russia has accused Europe in the approximation of the cold war

by alex

The pursuit of military superiority in Europe will lead to the return of the cold war era. This warned the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Grushko in comments to the 45-anniversary of the signing of the Final act of the conference on security and cooperation in Europe, reports TASS.

According to him, a policy that is not based on respect for the legitimate interests of all States in the OSCE region, counterproductive and undermines European security. “Military superiority they will not achieve, but can achieve a situation similar to the cold war, with all costs for their own safety”, — said the Deputy Minister.

Grushko called extremely dangerous trend of gaining military superiority and the desire to strengthen its security in this way. “They would be destabilizing and certainly won’t enhance security for anyone, including those States that today declare themselves “frontline” and 45 years after the signing of the Helsinki final act entered into competition for the right to host on its territory the American troops,” he explained, adding that this indicates a crisis situation in the sphere of European security.

Earlier the Deputy of the German Bundestag from the CDU/CSU Christian Schmidt was called to discuss the possibility of Russia joining NATO, as it was in the 90-ies. In his opinion, Europe needs a new security architecture: the old, created after the Helsinki conference in 1975, in his opinion, no longer works.

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