Home » Russia cynically attacked the port of Odessa: everything we know about it and how the world reacts

Russia cynically attacked the port of Odessa: everything we know about it and how the world reacts

by alex

Russia attacked the port of Odessa/”Suspіlne Odessa”

Russia attacked the port of Odessa with its missiles around 11 am on July 23rd. There were about a dozen explosions.


Over time, the information was confirmed in the Odessa OVA. Channel 24 collected everything that is known about the attack and the reaction of the world to it.

Russia violated the agreement, unable to stand even a day

the invaders immediately released four missiles of the Caliber type on the port. Two of these missiles hit the target. Two more shot down our air defense forces.

Russia, by such an act, once again proved that it is not worth dealing with it, trusting it, or, all the more, signing any important agreements. After all, just the day before, an agreement was signed in Istanbul on the unblocking of Ukrainian ports. The agreement was signed with the mediation of Turkey and the UN. Ukraine has not signed any agreements with Russia. The sides secured the agreements each separately with representatives of the UN and Turkey.

We are talking about the opening of humanitarian corridors from Yuzhny, Odessa and Chernomorsk. This was done so that our state would be able to export grain.

There was just grain in the port

The missiles that arrived at the port hit its infrastructure. It was in the place of impact that grain was stored, which was supposed to be exported. Actually, for the sake of this, such an agreement was concluded.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy confirmed this information. Instead, they refused to give details. In particular, they did not say how much Ukrainian grain fell under the attack of the Russians. They explained this by the fact that Minfrastructure is busy with workload.

After the signing of the agreement, this grain was planned to be exported in the coming days.

Pay attention! Natalya Gumenyuk, head of the press center of the Defense Forces of the South, noted that after the attack, a minor fire broke out in the port, which was extinguished by rescuers . The shock wave damaged houses nearby. The enemy did not hit the granary, although the missiles were sent there. There are no wounded yet. Significant damage to the port infrastructure also hit the pumping station.

Reaction of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry

Of course, Ukraine did not keep itself waiting with a reaction to such a vile and cynical blow. After all, the world must understand who we are dealing with. Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko noted that Russia could not even last a day after the agreement. who made great efforts to reach an agreement, and to whom Ukraine is grateful,” Nikolenko stressed.

According to him, Ukraine emphasizes that the terms of the agreement must be fulfilled. That is, the export of our grain and other agricultural products through the Black Sea must be safe. For this, three ports should be used: Odessa, Chernomorsk, and Pivdenny.

Representatives of the UN, as well as Turkey, must ensure the safe movement of ships along a certain grain corridor. If Russia does not keep the conditions, then the responsibility for the consequences of the food crisis around the world will be on it.

The Odesa OVA also reacted to this blow. Speaker Sergei Bratchuk stressed that this is not an attack on the port of Odessa.

This is a blow to the whole world. Ukraine needs modern air defense and missile defense systems,” he said.

Bratchuk also stressed that it is dangerous to go to the beach now, because you can easily get under rocket fire.

What Zelensky says

Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak, in response to this attack, said that only yesterday Ukraine was able to reach agreements on the export of grain by sea. And already on July 23, the Russian invaders launched a missile attack on the port. He called it a “Russian diplomatic dichotomy”.

An adviser to the head of the President's Office, Mikhail Podolyak, also reacted to such a cynical shelling.

In words, you are Leo Tolstoy, but in reality … Russia is predictably insignificant. The ink has not yet dried, and already two vile provocations: a strike on the Odessa port and a statement by the Russian Defense Ministry that Ukrainian ports are “dangerous for shipping,” Podolyak said.

According to him, this is another reminder to the world

The reaction of the world

UN Secretary General António Guterres expressed unequivocal condemnation of such attacks on the port of Odessa .

He also stressed that only yesterday, July 22, all parties clearly committed themselves on the world stage to ensure the safe movement of Ukrainian grain and related products to world markets, he said.

Guterres stressed that these food is urgently needed to solve the global food crisis and alleviate the suffering of millions of people in need of help around the world. Full compliance by the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Turkey is mandatory.

In the United States, Ukraine was warned that an agreement with Russia could turn into meanness on its part. The White House approved the agreement, but warned that everything would depend on whether Russia will fulfill its obligations. National Security Council Communications Coordinator John Kirby said that “the devil is in the details.”

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called this agreement positive. But Russia must stop the war to avoid the threat of a food disaster.

Now the international community must hold Russia accountable for this agreement by ending its effective blockade of Ukrainian ports and ensuring that Ukrainian agricultural products, including grain, reach world markets. – said Blinken.

The decision to unblock was also welcomed by the EU. European Council President Charles Michel said that global food security is a priority for the EU.

I welcome the agreement to unblock the Black Sea for Ukrainian grain exports. It can benefit millions around the world. Strict implementation of the agreement is now extremely important for this to work,” he said.

Also, EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell, Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics, and Latvian Foreign Minister Ann Linde spoke positively.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a conversation with Zelensky, also welcomed the agreement on the export of grain from Ukraine through the Black Sea and the end of the blockade of Russia. He noted that all parties must fulfill their obligations.

Foreign Minister Liz Truss also declared Russia's responsibility for the humanitarian crisis.

Putin's barbaric invasion of Ukraine means that some of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people are at risk of not having anything to eat. It is vital that Ukrainian grain reaches international food markets,” she stressed.

Truss also stressed that Putin must withdraw from Ukraine and collect troops.

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