Home » Russia brings old military equipment from around the world: the expert explained its purpose

Russia brings old military equipment from around the world: the expert explained its purpose

by alex

Why does Russia need old military equipment/Collage 24 channels

Ukraine receives weapons from the US and the EU to defend against the Kremlin's aggression. Russia, on the other hand, is forced to rely on its own forces, and is scouring the whole world in search of weapons.


According to Bloomberg, Russia may be transporting weapons from Syria on commercial ships. It is known that last month a merchant ship with military vehicles passed the Bosphorus on its way from Syria to Russia. This is for Channel 24 commented by military expert Yigal Levin.

occupiers are dismantling old equipment for spare parts

He noted that the Russians have positions in Syria, and in Africa, and even in North Korea. However, they have old Soviet weapons there. The Russians will not bring anything modern from there – neither hypersonic missiles, nor any systems. But there is Soviet artillery, howitzers, old Soviet infantry fighting vehicles and spare parts.

As Levin explained, there is such a term as “cannibalism of military equipment” when 10 tanks in poor condition are disassembled in order to get spare parts for 2 – 3 of the same, but working tanks .

the Soviet Union at one time stamped a lot of ancient weapons that can be disassembled for spare parts and driven, including by civilian courts, to Russia and to the territory of hostilities. All this is real and possible, and there is no need to reject it,” he added.

Where do the Russians get foreign spare parts from

foreign-made parts that were found in Russian technology are not “cannibalism.” A lot of systems, chips, electronics can be taken from ordinary household appliances. Yes, it will not be possible to build hypersonic missiles using parts for household appliances, but drones are quite.

According to the military expert, the Russians are actively using all sorts of matrices, chips, civilian cameras and cameras, controllers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, etc. for this. This phenomenon is widespread and really creates a problem.

“We need to look for how to solve this, in particular, to strengthen sanctions, including restrictions on the supply of electronics to Russia,” summed up Yigal Levin.

Losses the enemy in a full-scale war

Russians are forced to take such steps as cannibalism of equipment and disassembly of household appliances, among other things, because of the insane losses that they will suffer in Ukraine. So, as of the morning of August 10, the infidels lost:

  • 42,800 infidels,
  • 1832 tanks,
  • 4076 armored fighting vehicles,
  • 971 artillery systems,
  • 261 MLRS,
  • 133 air defense systems,
  • 232 aircraft,
  • 193 helicopters,< /li>
  • 766 operational-tactical UAVs,
  • 185 cruise missiles,
  • 15 ships and boats,
  • 3005 vehicles and tank trucks,
  • 89 pieces of special equipment.

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