Home » Russia attacked Ukraine with Tu-95 bombers: what kind of planes are they and what kind of missiles are they hitting

Russia attacked Ukraine with Tu-95 bombers: what kind of planes are they and what kind of missiles are they hitting

by alex

The Russian military carried out another massive missile attack on Ukraine. During it, the enemy used Tu-95 strategic aircraft. We tell you what is known about these aircraft.

According to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the night of March 9, the Russians launched 81 missiles of various types. Among them were X-101 missiles fired directly from Tu-95 strategic aircraft, Channel 24 reports.

Attacked by ten planes

According to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, for this massive attack, the enemy immediately lifted 10 Tu-95s into the sky. Note that the Russian military can launch Kh-101 and Kh-555 missiles from these aircraft. During the March 9 attack, the Air Force recorded 28 launches of such cruise missiles.

The Russians used to launch planes with rockets from Engels

The speaker of the Air Force, Yuri Ignat, said that for the first time the occupiers launched the Tu-95 from Engels. We are talking about the air base “Engels” near Saratov in Russia, where in December there was a “pop”.

As a result of the “pop”, Russia transferred part of the aircraft from Engels, and satellite images confirmed damage to at least one Tu-95.

From Tu-95 aircraft, Russia launched Kh-555 and Kh-101 cruise missiles in Ukraine. Prior to this, the invaders also attacked Ukraine from Tu-95 bombers during a massive shelling on December 5.

Russia also has a large Belbek military airfield in occupied Crimea. It is located north of Simferopol and is capable of receiving Tu-95 class aircraft. But because of the “cotton” Russia does not risk keeping bombers there.

What you should know about the Tu-95 bomber

The Tu-95 is a strategic Soviet bomber-missile carrier, which was created as an analogue of the American strategic bomber Convair B-36 Peacemaker. It was developed during the Cold War to deliver nuclear weapons over long distances.

It can operate behind enemy lines at any time of the day and in any weather.

The combat radius of its action is 6500 kilometers, that is, these aircraft, unfortunately, hit Ukraine. Flight range – 13 thousand kilometers.

The main characteristics of the Tu-95:

  • maximum speed – 830 kilometers per hour;
  • crew – 7 people;
  • curb weight – 190 tons;
  • power – 15 thousand horsepower.

The aircraft also has four NK-12 turboprop engines.

According to the Aero Corner website, the estimated price of the Tu-95 is more than $26 million.

How many Tu-95s does Russia have

Estimating the exact number of aircraft that Russia has is difficult. So far, Russia has dominated Ukraine in the sky, but recently the situation has begun to change, as stated by Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov.

The Defense Express publication wrote that at the beginning of 2021, the Russian Air Force had 380 Su-27 heavy fighters, 267 MiG-29 light fighters of various modifications, 131 MiG-31 interceptors, 274 Su-24 front-line bombers and 135 new Su-25 subsonic attack aircraft. In total, these are 1370 cars.

In addition, Russia has 124 heavy bombers (16 Tu-160, 42 Tu-95 and 66 Tu-22M) and 91 combat aircraft of the Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy (22 MiG-29K/KUB, 43 Su-27/33, 22 Su- 24 and 4 Su-25), there are 1585 vehicles. This is more than in China, but still much less than in the United States.

What kind of missiles is Russia hitting Ukraine from the Tu-95

The Russian Tu-95MS bomber, which carries nearly two dozen missiles, has a wingspan of 49 meters.

The X-101 rocket weighs approximately 2200 – 2400 kilograms. In addition, it is one of the most expensive Russian missiles. The approximate price of one is 13 million dollars. For comparison, “Caliber” is half the price.

Important characteristics of X-101:

  • length – 7.4 meters;
  • warhead weight – up to 960 kilograms;
  • rocket flight speed – up to 720 kilometers per hour;
  • guidance – a missile with homing in the final section and an inertial system with optoelectronic correction;
  • navigation based on the GLONASS system.

It is worth noting that it can be difficult for our air defense to shoot down the X-101 due to the unpredictable trajectory of movement. After all, these missiles can change the target after they are launched. In addition, the X-101 has radar signature reduction technology.

Despite this, our air defense shoots down most of the Kh-101s. This is facilitated by the emergence of powerful air defense systems IRIS-T and NASAMS.

Note! Our intelligence reported that Ukrainian experts analyzed the guidance and navigation systems of Kh-55 cruise missiles, as well as their modifications – Kh-555 and Kh-101. According to him, Russia uses guidance units developed in 1960-1970 in missiles. They are produced by the Voronezh Plant of Radio Components, the Minsk Plant Integral and other enterprises.

What are the characteristics of the Kh-555 missiles

The Kh-555 missile is also one of the modifications of the Soviet strategic aviation cruise missile Kh-55. Like the Kh-101, it is a long-range cruise missile.

The main characteristics of Kh-555 missiles carried by Tu-95 aircraft:

  • guidance – in addition to inertial navigation, it has a full-fledged Tercom system with a radio and optical channel, as well as satellite navigation;
  • warhead weight – 200 – 400 kilograms;
  • starting weight – 1500 kilograms;
  • flight speed – up to 830 kilometers per hour;
  • height – 40 – 110 meters;
  • accuracy – 100 meters;
  • flight range – up to 2 thousand kilometers.

It should be noted that the Kremlin tested both the X-101 and the X-555 in Syria, ruthlessly destroying civilians.

What is known about the massive attack on December 15

  • On the morning of December 16, Russia massively attacked Ukraine for the ninth time. The occupiers sent most of the missiles to Kyiv, in the airspace of which about 40 missiles were recorded. Air defense forces managed to destroy 37 targets.
  • OK Yug reported that 11 missiles were destroyed in their area of responsibility. In particular, 6 air-launched Kh-101, Kh-555 missiles were destroyed in the sky over the Vinnytsia region. Forces destroyed 3 and 2 Caliber missiles over Kherson and Nikolaev regions, respectively.
  • Yury Ignat, spokesman for the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said that during the attack “as always, a lot was flying.” According to him, “there were unpleasant surprises,” but the air defense forces overcame them.
  • It is known that the Russians attacked three districts of Kyiv, Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov and Zhytomyr regions. Approximately 9 generation objects were damaged as a result of the attack.

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