Home ยป Russia and Turkey held talks in Moscow on the export of grain from Ukraine

Russia and Turkey held talks in Moscow on the export of grain from Ukraine

by alex

Negotiations on the export of grain from Ukraine/polygraf.net

Since the start of the all-out war, Russia has blocked Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea. There remained blocked Ukrainian grain, which was supposed to be exported.

Delegations from Russia and Turkey gathered to discuss the problem of exporting Ukrainian grain.

They agreed to continue consultations on the safe departure of ships from Ukrainian ports. This was reported in the Russian Ministry of Defense.

It is known that Ukraine is one of the leading suppliers of wheat in the world. However, its deliveries were suspended when Russia sent troops into the country. At the same time, Moscow denies responsibility for the food crisis and blames the deficit on Western sanctions.

Latest news on Ukrainian grain

  • Russia continues to export the Ukrainian harvest and is trying to sell it as its own. It is known that infidels stole at least half a million tons of grain. The journalists showed the scale and ways of exporting grain from Ukraine.
  • Hungary has offered assistance to Ukraine and is ready to become a transit country for Ukrainian cargo. Such cooperation could open another route for grain exports from Ukraine and reduce the crisis due to Russia blocking ports in the Black Sea.
  • Russian infidels are blocking not only merchant ships in the Black Sea. At least 39 civilian ships are also unable to leave the ports of Odessa region because of the invaders.
  • The UN representative stressed that the world is facing hell on earth because of hunger, if the war is not ended. After all, the ports in Ukraine are still blocked by Russia. This was stated by the director of the UN World Food Program David Beasley.
  • Russian killers plunder Ukrainian grain and destroy warehouses with grain. They artificially create the danger of starvation. President Volodymyr Zelensky said this during the Prespa Security Forum Dialogue.
  • Russia sells grain that it steals from Ukraine and exports from the temporarily occupied southern regions to the occupied Crimea. This was stated by collaborator Sergei Aksyonov, who since 2014 has been representing himself as the head of the temporarily occupied Crimea. He also said that they take out the loot through Sevastopol.
  • The Russian military shamelessly steal other agricultural products in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Now they have moved on to sunflower seeds.

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