Home » Russia accused of trying to “sow discord and chaos” in the United States

Russia accused of trying to “sow discord and chaos” in the United States

by alex

The US National Security Council (SNB) at the White House accused Russia of trying to influence the electoral process in the country. This statement was posted on the SNB Twitter page.

“Russia seeks to sow discord and chaos in America and other democratic societies,” the entry says. In this regard, the administration has included four people “connected with Moscow” to the sanctions lists: among them is the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Andriy Derkach.

Earlier, Washington allegedly found a “Russian agent” in the Rada and imposed sanctions against him. According to a statement from the US Treasury Department, Derkach has been actively working for Moscow for more than ten years and has close ties with Russian intelligence services.

Derkach published recordings of conversations, presumably involving former US Vice President Joe Biden and the fifth President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. At them, the former US vice-president offered a billion dollars for the resignation of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the activities of the oil and gas company Burisma. In Ukraine, a case has been initiated on treason and the illegal use of “special technical means of obtaining information.”

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