Home » Russia abandons wounded Storm Z soldiers at the front, British intelligence

Russia abandons wounded Storm Z soldiers at the front, British intelligence

by alex

The occupants are sent back to the front with wounds/Collage 24 Channel, Getty Images

Russia continues to surprise with its attitude towards its military. The aggressor state refuses to properly treat its fighters from the Storm Z unit.

The occupiers are sent back to the front to fight with unhealed wounds and even amputations. This is evidenced by British intelligence data.

Fighters of the “Storm Z” unit

Fighters of the Russian unit “Storm Z” are being returned to combat service with unhealed wounds and even after amputations of limbs, says the British Ministry of Defense.

According to intelligence data , Donetsk militants, “Wagnerites” and soldiers from “Storm Z” after being wounded received minimal treatment or no attempt was made to get them back on their feet.

In particular, it is noted that It's likely that Storm Z recruits released from prison to fight in the war are treated especially poorly. In most cases, they do not have the documents necessary to gain access to hospitals.

Enemy casualties as of December 18: briefly

  • The aggressor state loses thousands of personnel in the war. Over the past 24 hours alone (December 17 – Channel 24), the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to eliminate 1,090 enemy soldiers.
  • In total, since February 24, 2022, Russia has already lost 347,160 in the war in Ukraine units of personnel.
  • However, in reality, enemy losses may be greater, because it is difficult to count them due to intense fighting.
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