Home ยป Rules for military registration of conscripts and persons liable for military service in 2025: lawyers' answer

Rules for military registration of conscripts and persons liable for military service in 2025: lawyers' answer

by alex

Martial law in Ukraine extended until May 9, 2025. This is a legal regime that is introduced in Ukraine in the event of armed aggression and attack. Martial law makes certain adjustments to The procedure for organizing and maintaining military records of conscripts, military personnel and reservists.

ICTV Facts found out from free legal aid lawyers how military registration of conscripts, military personnel and reservists is carried out.

Rules for military registration of conscripts

Under 25 years of age, a person who does not have basic combined arms training is considered a conscript. In peacetime, such a person was subject to conscription for compulsory military service. Due to martial law, conscripts are not taken into service. After 25 years, such a person must contact the TCC and register as a conscript, obtain a military ID.

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Reservists — are former military personnel, who can be called up for service if such a need arises. They can be in the reserves of the Armed Forces or other military formations. Reservists may be mobilized.

According to lawyers, this procedure is regulated by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 1487. Currently, military registration of citizens is carried out at their place of residence. In accordance with Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine on Military Duty, persons under the age of 25 are subject to military registration of conscripts.

— Military registration of conscripts is carried out on the basis of a Ukrainian citizen's passport, as well as a residence permit for conscription at the recruiting station, — say lawyers.

Who is subject to registration for military service of conscripts:

  • persons under 25 years of age who, by decision of the commission, have undergone a medical examination;
  • conscripts who arrived from other areas of Ukraine or from abroad due to a change of residence;
  • persons who acquired Ukrainian citizenship;
  • persons who were released after serving a sentence, if they were not previously registered for military service;
  • persons who prematurely terminated alternative or non-military service;
  • persons who expelled from institutions of professional pre-higher military education and military educational institutions that did not undergo basic combined arms training.

The law states that during martial law, conscripts may undergo a military medical examination only if they are accepted for military service voluntarily.

Rules for military registration of conscripts and reservists

Persons subject to military registration are:

  • who have retired from military service to the reserve and have not been enrolled in the military operational reserve;
  • conscripts who have basic general military training;
  • who have terminated alternative non-military service upon expiration of its term or early;
  • who arrived from other areas of Ukraine or from abroad due to a change of residence;
  • who received Ukrainian citizenship;
  • removed from military registration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, intelligence agencies, in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
  • who are exempt from being sent for basic military service in accordance with Article 18 of the law;
  • those who have reached the age of 25 while being registered as conscripts;
  • those discharged from service in the military reserve and persons who have not reached the maximum age for being in the reserve;
  • over 25 years old who have never been registered for military service;
  • over 25 years old who have served their sentences in penal institutions.

The following categories may be registered as reservists persons:

  • enrolled in the military operational reserve;
  • who signed a contract for service in the reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military units;
  • reservists who arrived from other localities to a new place of residence.

In accordance with the law, women who are fit for military service and have graduated from the departments of vocational, vocational-technical, vocational pre-higher education and received a medical or pharmaceutical specialty are subject to registration for military service.

Registration for military service is carried out only in the personal presence of a person (except for the cases specified in paragraphs 15, of the Procedure and subparagraph 10-1 of paragraph 1 of Appendix 2).

— Removal from military registration can be carried out without the personal appearance of a conscript, a person liable for military service or a reservist at the territorial recruitment and social support center, — lawyers note.

What documents are needed for military registration

All you need for this is a passport and a military registration document. It is also necessary that when changing the place of residence, the passport of a citizen of Ukraine has a registration mark.

It is worth noting that military registration of conscripts is carried out at their place of residence in the TCC and SP. If it is a small village, then you need to register with the relevant executive bodies of village, settlement and city councils, — lawyers say.

Types of military registration

Currently in Ukraine there is a general and special registration of conscripts and reservists. General registration includes persons liable for military service who do not have a reservation issued by state authorities or local governments, enterprises and organizations during mobilization and martial law.

Special registration includes persons who have a reservation from enterprises and organizations for the period of martial law.

Who organizes and maintains military registration

The central and local executive authorities and other local government bodies responsible for military registration.

The place of stay of conscripts and reservists for military registration is determined in accordance with the declared place of residence in the TCC and SP.

If there are no territorial recruitment centers in the village, then individuals must register with the relevant executive bodies of village, village, city councils.

If a person has left Ukraine and has not been on the territory of the state for more than three months, then consular registration must be carried out in foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine.

The main duties of conscripts, reservists and persons liable for military service:

  • all persons must report to the TCC and SP when called;
  • undergo training for military service and perform duties in the reserve or serve in the military reserve;
  • report to the TCC and SP in the event of a change in place of residence. If a person has changed their place of residence, they are required to appear at the TCC within seven days
  • with a Ukrainian passport and register for military service;
  • in the event of a change in personal data, the person is required to notify the relevant authorities within seven days;
  • provide documents confirming the right to a deferment;
  • in the event of loss of a military registration document, notify the TCC of the incident.

— Persons violating the rules of military registration are liable in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine. Citizens who evade military registration during the special period are subject to criminal liability — lawyers note.

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