Home ยป Royal and her husband were noticed in Dubai: they wanted to get a driver's license, media

Royal and her husband were noticed in Dubai: they wanted to get a driver's license, media

by alex

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After the start of a full-scale Russian invasion and the declaration of martial law in Ukraine from the media space of our state and from its territory as a whole” for some reason” and “suddenly” many supporters of the aggressor country disappeared. Among them, in particular, people's deputies of the Opposition Platform for Life and a married couple Natalya Korolevskaya and Yuriy Solod.

However, a couple still probably found in the United Arab Emirates. People who look like people's deputies of Ukraine Natalia Korolevskaya and her husband Yuriy Solod were noticed in the UAE when obtaining a driver's license. The corresponding video appeared on the network.

The couple was spotted at the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority

The video shows the couple discussing something in the Dubai Roads Administration and Dubai transport.

The couple came to get a driver's license from the UAE, and the certificates of people's deputies of Ukraine Korolevskaya and Solod have not yet been lost. Although they wrote the relevant statements, wrote Mikhail Tkach.

Interestingly, according to the laws, only its residents can obtain rights in the UAE. Therefore, it is obvious that either Natalia Korolevskaya, or Yuri Solod, or both members of the Opposition Platform for Life have already become residents of the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, they probably do not plan to return to the country in the near future, where the “Russian world”, in whose interests they acted, is trying to push.

What did Korolevskaya and Solod “become famous for”

  • In recent years, the odious spouses have been building a political career as representatives of the Opposition Platform for Life and Spreading Russian propaganda in Ukraine.
  • Moreover, Natalya Korolevskaya has repeatedly found herself at the epicenter of a scandal. For example, she demanded to return the Russian language to schools, because “everyone speaks Russian in Ukraine anyway.” Korolevskaya was not without pro-Kremlin fakes.
  • Her husband Yury Solod, while escaping in Dubai, also actively “thrown” pro-Russian statements into the information space. In particular, he “sang along” with his wife in the matter of speech.
  • When martial law was introduced in Ukraine, Korolevskaya actively skipped the meeting of the Council, and then simply ran away.
  • It is known that she was included in the “Peacemaker” database for ties with the FSB and the organization of sabotage measures on the territory of Ukraine.

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