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Rogozin spoke about the “armchair idiots”

by alex

Dmitry Rogozin

General Director of “Rosatom” Dmitry Rogozin spoke about “armchair idiots”, admires the achievements of the U.S. space launches. He told about it in the program of Yuri Kostin, “Personal communication.”

Rogozin said that the launch Crew Dragon is not a sensational event, because “it has long been waiting for” and “it had to happen a few years ago.” Then the head of the Corporation said that “American space” is private long, however, the customer — NASA — allocates budget money to private companies: “start [Crew Dragon] was a state, the state, the spaceport was handed a free company SpaceX. They are so convenient.”

“This is essentially a state machine, is nothing new. Skillfully, I would even say brilliant, made so to cover interesting Pentagon. Because the Pentagon, in fact, interested in this low-orbit grouping of [Starlink], — said Rogozin. — We know what it is about. Because “Roskosmos” — is not only a civilian space, we are engaged in the combat theme. So maybe for the idiots cushion is a delight, chewing gum, jeans, Mask and so on. For us it is quite predatory, clever, strong, high-tech U.S. policy, which uses this enthusiasm in order to promote primarily its own military interests”.

Rogozin also speculate about why space companies to do their promotion: “I am Often reproached: why did you not do the same? I have a question: why the heck?! The Americans established a regime of sanctions that physically does not allow us to compete with them freely because they carried out illegal acts, forbidding other countries to buy from us spacecraft, space services. Then is what is needed, what are we going to promote?”

The head of state Corporation said that allows the existence of life on Mars and other planets of the Solar system. He said that life “is not in the form of the Martians some, and some cells, germs”. In comparison, he cited studies, when the blocks of ice on Earth found microbes, success later “revive”.

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