Home » Rocket strike in Dnepropetrovsk region: a wounded man received a severe concussion

Rocket strike in Dnepropetrovsk region: a wounded man received a severe concussion

by alex

As a result of a missile attack in the Dnepropetrovsk region, a man was shell-shocked/Ministry of Defense

Yesterday, April 3, Russia again launched missile strikes on Ukraine. Enemy shells have affected infrastructure facilities in several areas of our state. In the Dnipropetrovsk region, one person received a shell shock.

This was announced by the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council Nikolai Lukashuk. According to him, there were no deaths as a result of the enemy's missile attack.

No casualties

However, as he noted, one man was injured. According to him, one person was shell-shocked.

“Fortunately, there were no deaths. But one person was injured: a man received a severe concussion,” Lukashuk said.

The situation is under control

He also noted that repeated attacks by Russian invaders during the night, May 4, were not recorded.

“Now the situation is stable and controlled,” Lukashuk noted.

In addition, the head of the Dnepropetrovsk regional council added that there are no Russian occupiers in the region.

What is known about the latest rocket attacks

Yesterday, on May 3, an air raid alert was announced almost throughout Ukraine. Almost throughout the country there was a threat of enemy shelling.

Russian infidels launched rocket attacks on 8 regions of Ukraine. Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Vinnitsa, Lvov, Odessa, Donetsk, Kyiv and Transcarpathia fell under enemy fire.

According to the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the enemy fired at least 18 missiles. All of them hit the infrastructure facilities of 6 regions.

They also noted that enemy missiles with the help of Tu-95 or Tu-160 strategic bombers were fired from the Caspian region. At the same time, the Russian invaders launched a missile attack on the Odessa and Donetsk regions from other means.

The department added that during May 3, the air defense of the Air Force and the Ground Forces shot down about 8 cruise missiles. In addition, there is information about the defeat of 7 drones and an aircraft missile.

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Consequences of the missile strike on May 3

Yesterday, a Russian missile hit Transcarpathia for the first time since the full-scale invasion of the enemy. She flew to one of the substations near the railway station in Volovets in the Mukachevo region. The projectile damaged the gas pipeline, so 57 houses were left without electricity.

The head of the Lviv OVA Maxim Kozitsky said that enemy missiles damaged 3 electrical substations in the city, so there were power outages in several districts of the city. The mayor of the city, Andriy Sadovyi, said that 2 people were injured as a result of the shelling.

In the Dnepropetrovsk region, rockets destroyed the railway infrastructure in the Kamensky district. The movement of trains had to be completely stopped.

In the Kirovograd region, the enemy also aimed at the railway infrastructure. Unfortunately, there is information about the dead and wounded in the region.

Also, Russian infidels damaged infrastructure in the Odessa region. No dead or injured were reported.

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